Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Great History Of Roses

“It was roses, roses all the way.”
- Robert Browning

“What's in a name? That which we call a rose; By any other name would smell as sweet.”
- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act 2 scene 2

Roses have a long and colorful history. According to fossil evidence, the rose is 35 million years old. Today, there are over 30,000 varieties of roses and it has the most complicated family tree of any known flower species.

The cultivation of roses most likely began in Asia around 5000 years ago. They have been part of the human experience ever since and mentions of the flower are woven into a great many tales from the ancient world.

And there are so many beautiful stories that include roses through out the ages that we all can recognize.

Greek mythology tells us that it was Aphrodite who gave the rose its name, but it was the goddess of flowers, Chloris, who created it. One day while Chloris was cleaning in the forest she found the lifeless body of a beautiful nymph. To right this wrong Chloris enlisted the help of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who gave her beauty; then called upon Dionysus, the god of wine, who added nectar to give her a sweet scent. When it was their turn the three Graces gave Chloris charm, brightness and joy. Then Zephyr, the West Wind, blew away the clouds so that Apollo, the sun god, could shine and make the flower bloom. And so the Rose was...

In another story, an ancient Hindu legend, Brahma (the creator of the world) and Vishnu (the protector of the world) argued over whether the lotus was more beautiful than the rose. Vishnu backed the rose, while Brahma supported the lotus. But Brahma had never seen a rose before and when he did he immediately recanted. As a reward Brahma created a bride for Vishnu and called her Lakshmi — she was created from 108 large and 1008 small rose petals.

Several thousands of years later, on the other side of the world in Crete , there are Frescoes which date to c. 1700BC illustrating a rose with five-pedaled pink blooms. Discoveries of tombs in Egypt have revealed wreaths made with flowers, with roses among them. The wreath in the tomb of Hawara (discovered by the English archaeologist William Flinders Petrie) dates to about AD 170, and represents the oldest preserved record of a rose species still living.

Roses later became synonymous with the worst excesses of the Roman Empire when the peasants were reduced to growing roses instead of food crops in order to satisfy the demands of their rulers. The emperors filled their swimming baths and fountains with rose-water and sat on carpets of rose petals for their feasts and orgies. Roses were used as confetti at celebrations, for medicinal purposes, and as a source of perfume. Heliogabalus used to enjoy showering his guests with rose petals which tumbled down from the ceiling during the festivities.

During the fifteenth century, the factions fighting to control England used the rose as a symbol. The white rose represented York , and the red rose symbolized Lancaster . Not surprisingly, the conflict between these factions became known as the War of the Roses.

In the seventeenth century roses were in such high demand that roses and rose water were considered as legal tender. In this capacity they were used as barter in the markets as well as for any payments the common people had to make to royalty. Napoleon's wife Josephine loved roses so much she established an extensive collection at Chateau de Malmaison, an estate seven miles west of Paris . This garden of more than 250 rose varieties became the setting for Pierre Joseph Redoute's work as a botanical illustrator and it was here Redoute completed his watercolor collection "Les Rose," which is still considered one of the finest records of botanical illustration.

Cultivated roses weren’t introduced into Europe until the late eighteenth century. These introductions came from China and were repeat bloomers, making them of great interest to hybridizers who no longer had to wait once a year for their roses to bloom.

From this introduction, experts today tend to divide all roses into two groups. There are “old roses” (those cultivated in Europe before 1800) and “modern roses” (those which began to be cultivated in England and France around the turn of the 19th century).

Until the beginning of the 19th century, all roses in Europe were shades of pink or white. Our romantic symbol of the red rose first came from China around 1800. Unusual green roses arrived a few decades later.

Bright yellow roses entered the palette around 1900. It was the Frenchman Joseph Permet-Ducher who is credited with the discovery. After more than 20 years of breeding roses in a search for a hardy yellow variety, he luck changed when one day he simply stumbled across a mutant yellow flower in a field. We have had yellow and orange roses ever since

The rose is a phenomenal plant and is rightly known as ‘the world’s favorite flower’. No other flower has ever experienced the same popularity that the rose has enjoyed in the last fifth years. In temperate climates, roses are more widely grown than any other ornamental plant, and as cut flowers they are forever in fashion.

It has been estimated that 150 million plants are purchased by gardeners worldwide every year, and sophisticated breeding programs have produced a plant that dominates the world’s cut flower market; the annual crop is calculated in tons. Roses have also made a tremendous contribution to the perfume industry.

Roses boast an ancient lineage, and they are intricately entwined in our history and culture. As a motif, the rose has been and still is depicted in many national emblems. It has been adopted by countless political factions, and even by businesses and several international events. It is no wonder so many of the beautiful rose varietals are greatly appreciated and cultivated by hobby gardeners around the world.

The Garden Gnomes

The Garden Gnome is not just another yard figurine. It has it’s own distinguished history, culture and controversy attached to it. Before you buy a Garden Gnome for your home be sure to know all of the factors that go along with it.

For starters the history of the Garden Gnome dates back to Germany in the 1800’s. The original statues were made out of clay and were hand crafted. They then made their way to England in the mid 1800s. Around the late 1800’s to the 1900’s they made their way into America. During WWII production of these figurines came to an abrupt halt. The German factories were commandeered and converted to support the war efforts. In 1960’s the gnomes picked up popularity again however, they were mass-produced using plastic. Because so many of them were produced they gained the stigma for being a tacky lawn ornament. The clay hand carved Garden Gnomes have been family heirlooms for many families. The Clay figurines are making a come back of sorts, more companies are reviving the old tradition.

Any Garden Gnome enthusiast will tell you that Garden Gnomes are wonderful creatures that are very good luck to have in your garden. They are primarily vegetarians, joyful little people who enjoy having fun and helping out with things. It is believed that having one in your garden will be helpful in the day-to-day activities that are necessary to proper garden management. It is believed that they have an excellent ability to be able to reflect on history and an even better perspective on the future.

Not all people have such a jovial perception of the Garden Gnome. There are some that disagree with the use of the Garden Gnome. They believe that to have a Garden Gnome in the home is slavery and that the Garden Gnome should be freed. There are groups that will take a Garden Gnome from a yard if they see it. Relocating it to the forest where they believe they find their freedom. A few of the groups choose to operate under the raidar, sneaking into people’s yards and stealing these figurines. There is a political group that actively lobbies for the ban of Garden Gnome slavery.

Whether you are a follower of the Garden Gnome culture or just someone who thinks they are cut enough to go in your yard these figurines have a lot of history behind them and can be a wonderful addition to your yard. Just be sure to keep them away from the gnome liberators if you would like to keep them for a long period of time.

General Bonsai Tree Care

Bonsai trees need care similar to any other plant below is a basic outline of care for a Bonsai tree.


Many people do not realize that most bonsai trees should be kept outdoors year round. The few exceptions are the non-traditional tropical trees which need kept inside if you are not in a tropical environment.

Outdoor bonsai should be positioned where they will get six or more hours of light each day.

Indoor bonsai should receive two to four hours of natural or artificial sunlight. For inside bonsai full spectrum flourescents can provide the necessary light levels but the treen needs to be placed close to the light.


More trees die from a lack of water or low humidity than anything. The soil used to raise bonsai is normally a porous soil that drains well. The type of soil as well as the shape and design of the pot will affect quickly the soil dries out. Different tree types will require different amounts of water to thrive. You will need to research your specific species of tree for a general guideline and then closely monitor how the tree grows to determine if it is being watered correctly. If you take your pot and place it on top of some rocks in a tray full of water this will help increase the humidity around the tree and will aid in it's growth. Along with normal watering about once a week you should fully submerge the bonsai tree pot until no more bubbles escape from the pot or the soil.


Pruning serves dual purpos in the care of bonsai trees. Pruning removes branches that clutter and hamper the aestetic design of the tree. Pruning is
also used to direct and control the growth of the tree. You will also have fine pruning sucha s pinching and leaf pruning to help encourage branching. Always remember when you are pruning your bonsai that you can always remove something later but it is very difficult to put it back after you have cut it. So if in doubt leave it for now. You should start with a light pruning then give it two or three weeks and wait for the bounce back to decide if you need to do more. pay special attention to developing the trunk, any where on the trunk that a branch is allowed to grow will thicken. When pruning you need to keep the top and bottom (roots) balanced for optimum results.


Your average bonsai will need fertilized once or twice a month. You should only ferterlize during the normal growing season. Us a water soluble ferterlizer and apply it when the soil is already wet.

Proper soil choice is critical optimum bonsai tree care, the soil affects the roots, feeding, and watering of your tree. The size and shape of the pot affects both the appearance as well as growth and health of the bonsai. As a rule of thumb be about 3/4 as wide as the tree is tall and about half as deep. The height of the pot should be roughly the same as the diameter of the trunk. Bonsai soils are designed to optimize drainage. They are usually a mix of coarse sand or gravel with peat or bark added for an organic element. Different trees will need various ratios of grit to humus. Usually dedidious trees need about 70% humus and 30% grit while evergreens will thrive better with 30% humus and 70% grit.


Re-potting is a critical element of bonsai care. It is crucial to help keep the roots and top of the tree in balance. Bonsai trees should be re-potted every two or three years. When you re-pot the bonsai you need to trim the roots. You will normally want to remove about 1/3 of the root ball. You need to trim all away around the ball to keep it in balance.

Introduction to Bonsai Tree Growing

The art of growing bonsais is an ancient oriental tradition, in which bonsai means "tray gardening". There are traces of bonsais (miniature trees or bushes) in Egypt, Japan and  China, and it was considered that the miniature tree would have concentrated the powers of the actual-size tree.

Bonsai trees require a lot of care. The branches, leaves and roots need regular pruning to maintain the shape of the plant. Pinching is also required and even the use of small wires to keep the branches growing in a certain way.

Because the root system is very small, bonsais need to be watered regularly and properly. They are also very sensitive to excesive heat (which makes water evaporate quicker), sun and wind.

Keeping bonsais in their shape is all an art and there are different styles that apply to different types of bonsai trees. The basic five styles are: formal upright, informal upright, cascade, semi cascade, and windswept.

The cascade style is probaby the most interesting to display, as the branches of the tree eventually reach a level below the base of the pot.

For the Japanese, bonsais have aesthetic beauty and are meant to evoke the spirit of the plant being used. This may also include the use of rocks, mountains or water features to recreate the surroundings of the actual tree in reality.

This also includes choosing the most appropriate bonsai for an environment. There are indoor and outdoor bonsais, and the Japanese placed them to suit a certain space with a type of spirit. Not all bonsai trees should be, according to this tradition, displayed in any place.

A bonsai is a very elegant tree to display outdoors, and it makes an interesting choice for an indoor spot. Get yourself started today with a Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper (considered by some as the best bonsai for a beginner) and enhance the appearance of your chosen spot.

The 3 Core Muscle Building Exercises You Should Be Doing

When it comes to building muscle I like to keep things simple. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of hot new products and exercises that promise to be the next best thing in muscle building. Theses fancy exercises and products use long “scientific like” words and explanations to show you they work to build the most muscle.

In this article I am going to get back to basics. I am going to show your three muscle building exercises you can’t afford not to do and why you should be doing them. These three exercises are the grass roots of building muscle and are essential for any serious training program.

You might find it hard to believe, but with these three exercises alone you can pack on a serious amount of muscle. I refer to these exercises as the “core” to any good program. When I start planning I muscle building program for a client I always start with these three basic exercises and build the program around them.

3 core muscle building exercises:

The squat is the biggest exercise for packing on serious poundage. There’s no argument about it. The squat is primarily a leg building exercise. You start the exercise with a barbell resting across your shoulders standing straight up. Then bending at the knees and hips you lower the barbell down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. And then push the barbell back to the starting position.

The main muscle groups pulled into action for the squat are your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. Secondary muscle groups include the lower back, adductors and to a certain extent your shoulder muscles. As you can see many muscle groups are recruited for this exercise making it the biggest exercise and biggest potential muscle builder.

Like all the core muscle building exercises, you should make the squat the first exercise you do on your leg training day. Because it’s the biggest exercise you want your legs to be fresh and ready. If muscle building is your goal, aim for about 8-12 reps on the squat. Because you’ll be lifting heavy weights a good warm up is vital. Squatting is very stressful for the lower body, especially the knees, so 5-10 minutes on the treadmill and some lights squats first up are recommended.

Bench Press
The bench pres is the king of upper body building exercises. For years the bench press has been used to measure a lifter’s strength. How many times have you been asked “how much do you bench?” I bet you’ve never been asked how much do you squat or how many chin ups can you do.

The bench is a simple yet extremely powerful exercise that targets the entire chest (pectorals), front shoulders (deltoids) and triceps. To perform a bench press you must lie on your back on a flat bench, grip the barbell at slightly wider than shoulder grip and press the bar straight down to your chest.

The bench press is the biggest upper body builder because it allows you to move the most amount of weight possible. This is its advantage over the dumbbell press. With the help of a spotter you can also push yourself to lift heavier weights. There are also other advanced bench press techniques like board presses, bench press negatives and chain presses. See our link at the bottom for more details.

Wide grip Chin Up
If you were only going to do one exercise to work your back this would be it. The wide grip chin up is the ultimate test of a lifters power to weight ratio. This muscle building exercise is very demanding on the body.

The wide grip chin up primarily hits the lats, but also targets the entire upper back, biceps and forearms. To execute this exercise you need a chin up bar or assisted chin up machine. Hold the bar in a wide grip (greater than shoulder width) with your palms facing away from your body. Start in a “hanging” position with your arms fully extended. Pull yourself up until your can get your chin over the bar and lower back to starting position.

Most people will not be able to do wide grip chin ups without some lat/back training first. You can use the assisted chin up machine or lat pull down machine to strengthen your lats before attempting wide grip chin ups. This is the most demanding back exercise you can do so it must be the first exercise in your session.

When you should be doing these exercises

Like I mentioned previously in this article, these exercises are the biggest muscle builders and also the most taxing on your body so they must be done at the beginning of your workout to get the maximum benefits. I recommend that you do up to 5 sets on each exercise and vary the way you perform these sets each week. For example, the first week you do pyramid up sets, the second week you pyramid down and the third week you do straight sets. This keeps your muscles from getting accustomed to your routine. Good luck packing on some serious pounds!

What Causes Muscle Growth?

In order for muscles to grow, three things are required:

1. Stimulus - exercise is needed to make the muscles work, use energy and cause microscopic damage to the fibers.

2. Nutrition - after intense exercise the muscles need to replenish their stores of fuel.

3. Rest - it is during the rest or recovery phase that the muscles repair the microscopic damage and grow.

Muscle size increases due to hypertrophic adaptation and an increase in the cross section area of individual muscle fibers. Intensive exercise impacts more on the strength influencing fast twitch type II fibers, therefore the increase in muscle size is accompanied by greater strength.

This will deplete the muscle's energy stores and cause microscopic damage to the muscle tissue. During recovery, these stores of glycogen and phosphocreatine will replenish from carbohydrates and creatine ingested as food or supplements. Amino acids supplied in the diet will trigger the protein synthesis that repairs the damaged muscle and lead to the creation of bigger muscle fibers.

To achieve continuous improvement you will need to keep reaching for higher levels of training intensity otherwise the improvement process will grind to a halt. Fortunately, this is relatively easy to plan for provided certain basic principles and rules are clearly followed. Subsequent articles in this series will examine these principles in detail.

Know Your Muscles - The Shoulders And Arms

Becoming familiar with the muscles that make up your body has more benefits than simply allowing you to talk shop with your training partners. The more familiar you are with the muscles you're working, the better you'll be able to judge what's needed to make improvements. In this article we'll get to know the muscles that make up the shoulders and arms.

Shoulders and arms work together but they require significantly different exercises to make them bigger and stronger. The main muscles found in these areas are as follows:

1. Deltoid - this is comprised of three separate segments that cover the shoulder and run a few inches down the arm. The anterior deltoid raises the arm to the front. The middle deltoid raises the arm to the side. The posterior deltoid draws the arm backwards.

2. Rotators - these are small muscles of the rotator cuff that control small movements of the upper arm. Consisting of an internal rotator, external rotator and supraspinatus they are used in lifting and throwing actions.

3. Biceps brachii - the biceps covers the front part of the upper arm and consists of a long head and a short head. The long head crosses the shoulder joint and works with the front deltoid to raise the arm to the front.

4. Triceps brachii - the triceps covers the the back of the upper arm and consists of three sections - the long, lateral and medial heads. The role of the triceps is to straighten the arm at the elbow.

5. Brachialis - this muscle lies between the upper arm bone and biceps. It helps the biceps to bend the elbow when the palm is facing sideways.

6. Forearm muscles - the forearms consist of many little muscles called flexors and extensors. The largest forearm muscle is the brachioradialis that lies close to the elbow.

Healing Herbs for Rashes and Skin Irritations

There have been literally hundreds of enquiries this month for herbs to cure skin rashes and irritations, so I thought I’d take a moment to share some of my favorite skin treatments.

First, let me remind you that the best overall skin care product you can use is olive oil.  Weather you suffer from dry or itchy skin, or just wish to improve the appearance and texture of your skin, you would be hard pressed to do better than pure, extra virgin olive oil.  This can be applied straight from the bottle, and can be used on any part of the skin including the face. 

The curative properties of Olive Oil, both internal and external are nothing short of miraculous and I would like to share with you a recent experience that serves as a reminder to me how some of the most common elements surrounding us often remain overlooked.

My neighbor and I happen to share the same birthday.  She is a widow whose children and grandchildren often come to visit.  As our birthdays approached, I made her up a bottle of my favorite after-bath oil (made primarily with olive oil) as a gift.  Unfortunately for my neighbor, I ran into her daughter first, who had suffered a severe exposure to Poison Ivy.  In all honestly, it was undoubtedly the worst case of poison ivy I had ever seen.  Her legs were almost completely covered in an angry, purple rash.  In a number of areas, the rash was crusting and developing a greenish tinge.  The itching was so intense that even after two weeks she was still on sleep medication as well as the prescription strength antihistamines and ointments.

I gave the oil to her and sincerely hoped it would help to alleviate her suffering.  I’m pleased to report that five days later, my neighbor called, overjoyed.  Not only had the oil relieved the itching, but also the crusty, green scabs were gone and the huge purple blotches had begun to fade.

The oil I mentioned is extremely simple to prepare and is an excellent curative for virtually any skin irritation including eczema and psoriasis.

After-Bath Oil:
Please remember that while a lesser grade of olive oil can be used for everyday purposes, if you are attempting to treat a serious skin condition, the extra virgin is made from the first press of the olive and retains the most important curative properties that you are searching for.

·    3 parts extra virgin olive oil
·    1 part sweet almond oil
·    1 part apricot kernel oil

Blend the oils together, and if desired, add several drops of your favorite essential oil for fragrance.  This can be applied to the skin at any time.  For all-over skin conditioning, apply the oil immediately after your bath or shower, then pat dry. 
A special note for women who shave their legs:  This oil treatment will completely eliminate any itching or dry flaking skin after shaving.  It is simply the best after-bath oil you will ever try.

Please check back next week when we will be discussing herbal treatments for many common irritants such as bee stings, nettles, burns and more.

Essential Oil Bottle – Now Your Valuable Essential Oil Is Safe

Bottles, may it be of glass or plastic, are seen to be the best means to store products that exist in liquid form such as oil. Valuable and costly oils like essential oils are also stored in bottles but not any bottle can be used.

Essential oil bottle is not similar to other oil bottles. Essential oil is costly and needs to be stored with utmost care. To save essential oil from deteriorating and to retain its aromatic properties, they should ideally be kept in either amber or cobalt blue bottles. These are particularly used to keep essential oils because they are dark glass that stops sunlight from penetrating.

Glass amber and glass cobalt blue bottles are commonly used to store essential oil. Cobalt blue bottles are more expensive than amber colored bottle. Don’t go for clear glass bottles when you are searching for essential oil. You may find some lenders selling essential oil in aluminum bottles; they are also suitable if the interior of the bottle is lined.

Essential oil bottles are available in different sizes to meet the desired needs and requirements of the people. They usually come in 5ml, 10ml as well as 15ml. But, expensive essential oils are available in size as little as 2ml. Keeping essential oil bottle openly is risky as they may fall and break down. In such cases, wooden boxes are the best to store essential oils.

People put essential oil at work for different personal purposes. Essential oils are quite easy to use and have therapeutically benefits. They are commonly used for easy inhalation, steam inhalation that can help with cold and influenza, massage that helps in toning the body and activating dead cells, room freshening or bath.

Things you need to remember: -
 Essential oils should also be stored in a cool, dark place.
 Avoid buying essential oils in plastic bottles as the essential oil can dissolve the plastic
 Avoid buying essential oils that have a rubber eyedropper bulb in the top
 Wooden boxes can be used to store essential oils
 Avoid oils that are sold in clear glass bottles as the clear glass can allow light that can damage the essential oils.
 Read the safety data for the essential oils you desire to use

Make sure to keep all the above-mentioned points in mind when you shop for essential oil bottles next time. If you are looking to buy wooden box for the essential oil bottles you have, you can buy suitable boxes economically from many craft stores. But, in case you don’t want to get into the trouble of going out of home. You can look for online lenders, just insert “essential oil bottle” in any of the search engine it could be goggle or yahoo and you can access infinite number of online lenders and then can choose the appropriate essential oil and can order for it, that too online.

Debunking the Myths about Iridology

Debunking the myths about Iridology
“We cannot attempt to cure one part of the body without treating the others.  We cannot attempt to cure the body if we forgot the Soul.”

There have been several erroneous ideas about iridology.  Unfortunately some of these beliefs have come from the medical field, as well as some uninformed natural health practitioners themselves.  One can never be sure how these illusions came about; however, it is imperative to correct some of these known fictions. 

Iridology has frequently been seen by some unlearned individuals as a sort of astrology or fortune telling technique.  To believe that idea out of hand is to rob the public of an invaluable tool in preventive medicine. Iridology has been practiced and recorded for centuries.  More importantly, with the help of today's technology in digital magnification and imaging, researchers around the world are able to rapidly move the validation of iridology and its findings forward.  Medical doctors in Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Russia, and many European countries both revere Iridology and use it in their practice of both traditional and alternative medicine.  Scientists are, at this moment, discovering the myriad of layers of information in the iris, the pupil, the pupillary border, and the sclera.

Dr. Celso Batello, of Greece, is continuing research on the incidence of contraction furrows in the iris and how they relate to the autonomic nervous system.  Dr. Serge Jurasunas of Portugal is an oncologist who uses Iridology in his determination of treatment protocols for breast cancer patients.  Dr. Daniele Lo Rito of Venice, Italy, is an MD who both teaches Iridology and uses it in his practice.  These are just a few of the respected professionals who understand the importance of Iridology.

Some of the professional terms or idioms used in iridology have been changed, to reflect more correct usage.  Radial furrows, which appear as 'spokes' in the iris were often referred to as ‘parasite lines’.  This description was not precisely incorrect, but it most assuredly caused the wrong impression.  The radials are indicative of a weak area in the
intestinal lining which can be vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, toxins, or parasites.  These radials most frequently are visible in the upper quadrant of the iris, or head area.  Unfortunately, many people became obsessed with the fear that there were parasites in their brains, which is an entirely false assumption.  This regrettable misuse of the term ‘parasite lines’ caused undue alarm and only served to denigrate the science of iridology.

Another false claim which undesirably brought about raised eyebrows and dismissal of iridology by the mainstream medical community was the idea that a brown eye could completely change color to become blue.
Congruous with the teachings of competent iridologists, iris colors remain constant.  Pigmentation in the iris, seen as spots or areas of color, can become lighter or darker to a degree as levels of toxicity decrease; but if your eyes are brown, they will remain so.  The bizarre claim that a person could ‘cleanse’ himself to exhaustion until his iris changed color, is another
unreasonable assertion.  Cleansing and de-toxification are wonderful healing modalities, with absolutely no intent or ability to completely change eye color.

There are a number of things, as in any science, that an iridology exam will not be able to reveal for certain. An Iridologist in America will not diagnose any disease by name, but rather the premise is to work with ‘body systems’ and look for weak areas that are vulnerable to disease, as well as levels of congestion and toxicity.

Should someone have their appendix removed, for instance, this will not be visible in the iris. During anesthetic, the nervous system is quelled to the point of inability to send strong signals to the iris.

An additional theory still being used by some practitioners is that ‘healing signs’ in the shape of small cross hatched lines filling in a lacuna shape will appear in the iris and determine that healing has taken place.  This simply does not happen.  As heretofore mentioned, certain markings in
the iris can lighten somewhat as the body begins to repair; thus sending energy to an impaired area which can result in improvement.  This is due to the actual fiber structure in the iris lifting so that less of the underlying black pigmentation of the posterior border layer is revealed.  In fact, sclera signs are a more reliable method of determining changes in the body in a timely manner.

One cannot look in the iris and know a person’s blood pressure, specific blood serum cholesterol levels, see the absolute presence of a tumor and know the size of it.  Nor can one look in the eyes and tell the gender of a person.

Another common mistake is for patients to confuse iridology with the actual study of eye diseases.  Oftentimes, clients will ask me, “Do you see glaucoma in my eyes?”  Or “Can you tell if I need glasses?” The study of eyes and eye diseases is a practice related to ophthalmology
or optometry.

While presenting a lecture at a college of nursing, I was told this story by one of the students.  She said that her friend had seen an Iridologist who informed her that her green eyes meant that her entire body was toxic. The friend was understandably appalled and decided that Iridology was quackery.  It is unfortunate that some iridologists, especially with outdated schooling in the field, have limited knowledge and incorrect information.  I assured the girl that the green color of her friend’s eyes merely indicated the color of the eyes she was born with.  It could indeed suggest a genetic weakness in the kidney area, or any area common to mixed (biliary) colored eyes; but to say that the girl’s whole body was toxic is a misfortune in choice of practitioners.

Iridology is a precise science, and all sciences have some limitations.  However, the astounding ability of this science to determine the overall health of the whole person, and their genetic influences, is so valuable as to not be denied.

Constipation Remedy Using Apples and Other Juices

Here are two constipation remedies that you can use for a mild case of constipation and for a chronic case of constipation. 
Apple and Pear Juice

If you have a mild case of constipation, you can use this remedy to get results.

Prepare equal amounts of fresh apple and pear juice.  Drink this combination when you first wake up and one hour before bedtime.

Juice the pears that are slightly hard.  If the pear is ripe, it is best to blend it whole with apple juice to create a thick drink.  Using the whole pear will give you additional fiber.  Just remove the seeds but do not peel the organic type.

Pears have minerals, vitamins, and chemicals that help to clean out your colon, kidney and to regenerate your blood cells.

Apple Juice and Prune Juice

Here’s a constipation remedy that you can use if you have chronic constipation.  In addition to just drinking apple juice, you can accelerate your peristaltic action with prune juice.

Here’s how to do it.

If you have a juicer you can make fresh apple juice and drink 3-4 glasses a day.  You can also drink store-bought apple juice but try to get fresh squeezed and not the type that has been flash pasteurized or pasteurized.   If you can find fresh apple juice then use flash pasteurized.
Buy your juice in glass containers if possible.

Plastic containers are processed using solvents that stay in the container walls and gradually outgas into the apple juice.  This out gassing is more severe when plastic containers are stored in hot places.

To speed up the laxative effects of apple juice, take the following combination first thing in the morning before you have breakfast,

Drink 2-3 cups of prune juice.
After ½ hour, drink one cup of apple juice
Then, 1-hour later drink another cup of apple juice.

I usually buy my prune juice in a bottle and fresh squeeze my apple juice.

Be prepared to head for the bathroom after you drink your prune juice and your first glass of apple juice.  You may need to head to the bathroom soon after you drink prune juice, everyone is different.  I have used this combination and have recommended it to my clients and have had good results.

Prune juice by itself is good for constipation.  It is a safe, gentle and an effective laxative.  Drink a cup in the morning and a cup in the evening.  Prune juice contain the substance dihydrophenylisatin, which is responsible for the laxative action.  Prunes are also high in iron and are a great supplement if you are anemic or low on iron.

If you add prune juice to your diet, do not drink as much of it as you would when you have constipation.  Drink ½ glass in the morning and perhaps ½ glass in the evening.

Cheap Essential Oils

What are cheap essential oils? The word cheap in cheap essential oils has different connotations for different people. While the term will literally mean as costing less, in the real sense it means exacting the true value of the essential oil from the buyer.

Quality of essential oils is a very important feature to look for when purchasing essential oils. You purchase cheap essential oils from a local vendor not knowing that it is the result of third or fourth distillate. The quality of such a preparation will be naturally less. Essential oils are not solely purchased for the aroma and scent that they produce. Majority of the users buy it for its therapeutic values. As the quality of essential oils reduce, so does its therapeutic benefits. Nevertheless, one may have to pay a very small price for acquiring the essential oil. 

Therefore, while buying an essential oil, one should not look only for the price but quality as well. Quality of essential oils will determine its price. So can we say more is the price, better is the quality. Not necessarily. In most cases, this may hold true; but not in all cases. There is no scarcity of vendors who charge a high premium on their oils. This implies that buyers may have to pay a higher price for the oil than it actually deserves.

On the other hand, are individuals who are obsessed with a low priced product. In essential oils too, they search for the cheapest bargain. Vendors, who are looking forward to disposing off their low quality oils, find soft targets in these people. What these people get is no good than common oil, with little or no therapeutic or aromatic benefits.

Therefore, in both the above cases, it is the borrower who is losing his hard-earned money. In the first case by paying a premium on correct price; and in the second by purchasing an oil which is of no worth. This results because of no regulation by any centralised agency on the price of essential oils. Almost every vendor charges a different price for his oils. How does buyer determine the correct price of essential oil in such cases? It may be difficult for a common buyer to determine the appropriate price, but not impossible.

The first thing to do when shopping for cheap essential oils will be to decide what one wants and for what purpose. If prescribed by an aromatherapist for a specific ailment, one must go about searching for that specific essential oil. Certain essential oils like lavender can be purchased over the counter and are available cheap. Alternatively, a few essential oils like sandalwood may be expensive. Even in sandalwood oil, the Indian sandalwood is preferred over the Australian sandalwood. Thus, there can be internal classifications in oils, which determine price range. Organically farmed raw materials for essential oil will also make them expensive.

Second, make a list of some reputable agencies from where one would buy the essential oil. Get a price quote from these agencies. Such agencies may quote a reasonable price of their products. This helps in getting an overview of the appropriate price for each essential oil.

Third, decide whether you want to buy essential oil from a local shop or want to get it shipped from outside. When shipping from outside, the buyer may not have the privilege of seeing the product in real until it is bought. So, how does the borrower decide as to the quality of essential oil? For this purpose, some vendors offer small samples. If on using the sample, the person finds it suitable, they can make the requisite order.

With such a systematic manner of shopping, one can be assured of getting cheap essential oils that do not compromise with the quality.

Bitter Melon - Benefits, Medicinal Properties

Bitter Melon is reported to help in the treatment of diabetes and psoriasis. It has also been reported that Bitter Melon may help in the treatment of HIV. Bitter Melon is the English name of Momordica charantia. Bitter Melon is also known by the names Karela and Balsam Pear. Bitter Melon grows in tropical areas, including parts of East Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and South America, where it is used as a food as well as a medicine. It is a green cucumber shaped fruit with gourd-like bumps all over it. It looks like an ugly, light green cucumber. The fruit should be firm, like a cucumber. And it tastes very bitter. Although the seeds, leaves, and vines of Bitter Melon have all been used, the fruit is the safest and most prevalent part of the plant used medicinally. The leaves and fruit have both been used occasionally to make teas and beer, or to season soups in the Western world.

Bitter Melon was traditionally used for a dazzling array of conditions by people in tropical regions. Numerous infections, cancer, leukemia, and diabetes are among the most common conditions it was believed to improve. Bitter Melon is reported to help in the treatment of diabetes and psoriasis. It has also been thought that Bitter Melon may help in the treatment of HIV, but the evidence thus far is too weak to even consider. The ripe fruit of Bitter Melon has been suggested to exhibit some remarkable anti-cancer effects, but there is absolutely no evidence that it can treat cancer. However, preliminary studies do appear to confirm that Bitter Melon may improve blood sugar control in people with adult-onset (type 2) diabetes.

The blood lowering action of the fresh juice of the unripe Bitter Melon has been confirmed in scientific studies in animals and humans. At least three different groups of constituents in Bitter Melon have been reported to have hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering) or other actions of potential benefit in diabetes mellitus. These include a mixture of steroidal saponins known as charantin, insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids. It is still unclear which of these is most effective or if all three work together. Nonetheless, Bitter Melon preparations have been shown to significantly improve glucose tolerance without increasing blood insulin levels, and to improve fasting blood glucose levels.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What is a Corset?

A corset is an item of clothing worn to help shape the upper body into a desired shape for aesthetic, or sometimes orthopaedic, reaons (either while wearing it, or for more permanent results). Men and women have both worn and still wear corsets.

The craft of making corsets is known as corsetry, as is the general wearing of them. A person who designs and makes corsets is a corsetier (for a man) or corsetière (for a woman), or simply a corsetmaker.

The most popular use of corsets is to shap the body into a beautiful, fashionable silhouette shape. For women this usually emphasises a curvy figure, by reducing the waist, and thereby exaggerating the bust and hips. However corsets have also been worn to achieve a more tubular shape although this is less common.

For men, corsets are more customarily used to slim the figure. However, there was a period from around 1820 to 1835 when an hourglass figure was also desirable for men; this was sometimes achieved by wearing a corset.

Corsets are constructed of flexible materials such as satin, leather, pvc, denim, and velvet. They are stiffened with boning (also called ribs or stays) inserted into channels in the material. Steel and whalebone were favored in the Victorian period but plastic is now the most commonly used material. Steel is used for high-quality corsets. Other materials that have been used for boning include ivory, wood, and cane. (A girdle is usually made of elasticised fabric, not boning.)

A corset encloses the upper body, usually from under the arms to the hips. Some corsets however extend over the hips and may even reach the knees. A shorter kind of corset, which covers the waist area (from below the ribs to just above the hips), is called a 'waist cincher' or underbust corset. A corset may also include garters to hold up stockings.

Corsets are held together by lacing, usually at the back. Tightening or loosening the lacing changes the firmness of the corset. It is possible for a back-laced corset-wearer to do his or her own lacing, though it can be difficult. However, many corsets also have a buttoned or hooked front opening. Once the lacing is adjusted comfortably, it is possible to leave the lacing as adjusted and take the corset on and off using the front opening. This method is incompatible with tightlacing, which strives for the maximum reduction of the waist. Tightlacers are usually laced by spouses and partners.

In the past, a woman's corset was usually worn over a garment called a chemise or shift, a sleeveless low-necked gown made of washable material (usually cotton or linen). These absorbed perspiration and kept the corset clean. Now an undershirt or corset liner is usually worn.

Tips to Treat Acne

Acne is a broad term, which includes blemishes, blackheads, and whiteheads. Acne can strike at any age. Effective acne treatments are sometimes difficult to find, and understanding acne and prevention can be frustrating. Here are some acne treatment tips that have worked for many.

Although acne is not life threatening it can be uncomfortable and hard on your ego. There has always been a debate about the actual cause of acne. The actual cause is not as important as finding a cure.

So is there a cure for acne. Well yes and no. There are many products available and for some they are a cure, for others they do not help. A cure is only a cure when you find a product that works for you.

Most acne treatments will take time to work. It usually takes around 8 weeks before you see any significant improvement so you are going to have to be patient. Once you have got your acne cleared up it is important to continue with the treatment that is working so it does not return.

If you have serious acne, it is best to consult a dermatologist. However, in milder cases you will often be able to get it under control by yourself just by persevering. Try these tips to conquer your acne.

Regular exercise helps keep your whole body in shape. It builds your immune system and helps eliminate toxins from the body. It is a great start to fighting acne.

You need to eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables each day. Fresh fruit and vegetables are full of nutrients that your body needs. They boost the immune system and are good antioxidants. They can work towards helping you get rid of the acne. Try to avoid refined sugars and fatty foods which have are not good for you or your skin. You also need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to flush your system of toxins.

Choose cosmetics that are water based and hypo-allergenic. Avoid oil free products, coal tar derivatives, and heavy creams. Make sure you wash your skin thoroughly every night to remove makeup residue.

Hormones can play a role in acne flare ups and they can be used to reduce outbreaks. Your doctor may decide to use HRT to eliminate or reduce your acne outbreaks.

Clean Skin
You need to avoid harsh scrubbing of your face but you also need to thoroughly clean your skin nightly. Use a mild cleaning regime every night. Once or twice a week you should also, use an exfoliator to gently remove damaged skin and unplug pores.

Is actually a great exfoliating treatment the removes dead skin. However, you should never shave an area that is infected or inflamed. Always use a shaving cream if your skin is sensitive.

Can be a contributing factor to acne so try to relax and unwind. Emotions trigger chemical reactions in the body, which can cause an outbreak.

You can help control your acne outbreaks by following these simple steps. What are you waiting for?

Did you find this article useful?  For more useful tips, hints, points to ponder and keep in mind,
do please browse for more information at our websites.

Tips For Changing Your Hairstyle

Change is good, but it's even better when it takes only moments to make one. If you like your hair do but it's looking a little dated, there's no reason to agonize over making major change. Hairstyles for the year 2008 come after a year where shorter hairstyles ruled, longer hairstyles still flourished, and everyone just loved the bob. Some celebrities went for medium and shorter lengths and the fashion runaways brought in many unique trends like the pony-loop and the high ballerina bun. Instead of opting for a complete hair reinvention, small changes to your current look can modernize your style. Without appearing too trendy. Fortunately, some of today's hottest styles are easily adaptable and require little commitment for those wary of a dramatic change.

How to Update Your Hairstyle
If you hair is chin-length or loner, comb it straight up, twist a few times, then coil up and pin high on your head. Use bobby pins to clip up shorter strays at the nape or iron curl them for a softening effect. If you're good at working your mane, you can leave some strands out for a freedom feeling.

Poker Straight Curls and waves will be transformed into straight and smooth flowing hair. Even if you love to keep those waves, make sure they just gather at the ends of your hair and the rest of the hair is absolutely straight. Sleek and smooth texture is the keyword for 2008. So, get prepared to straighten out those curled locks for a sleeker and newer you!

Long hair is ensuring that it's lean, as opposed to thick and out of control (basically, you should avoid the thickness often seen.

Don't worry about making your hair look its best while trying to grow it out -- I have tips on dealing with that awkward stage, on the next page.

Temporary colors are great for reflecting moods of the moment - just remember that the lighter your hair and the brighter the artificial shade, the less likely it will be truly temporary.

Enhancing your natural shade or going for a totally different color are great ways to update your look. Choose the right hair color and hair treatment so you can create an exciting new look for every occasion.

Another hot hair style trend for 2008 is the soft wedge haircut. This short hairstyle adds much sparkle to your face and shows the playful side of your personality. Since a lot of texturing and layering is used, your hairstyle looks soft and very smooth, in case of cut-style. Even people with thin hair can go in for this short cut, as it adds volume. It is suitable for almost every face cut and adds charm and confidence to the personality.

For those who want a slightly more dramatic update, bangs are excellent options. The style can be altered depending on your face shape or lifestyle. Long wispy bangs are a good choice if you want a style that is low-maintenance and easy to grow out.

A more daring option is to try the newest variation on the mod look, with long blunt bangs that fall just above the eyelashes.

The Art of Make-Up

Latest Cosmetics for the Modern woman and their uses:
These are the cosmetics used for makeup.

1. Foundation: This is used to give the skin an even tone. It neutralizes red cheeks, broken veins and freckles. It is very useful if make-up is to look very effective. It provides the base for all other make-up and makes their application quite easier. It is very essential to keep in mind that the main purpose of a foundation is to even out natural skin tone and not to change the colour of the skin. Foundation is available in either liquid, cream or solid form.

2. Face Powder : This is used to set the foundation which would otherwise within 2-3 hours, slide off the skin. Face powder is the essential finishing touch to all make-up. It also gives staying power to lipstick and prevents cream blusher and eye shadow from creasing. Face powder is available either in a loose from or in a compressed form.

3. Concealers: These are required to ‘blot’ out dark shadows under eyes, broken veins, high cheek colour, blemishes etc. Concealers come in sticks or as thick cream and are generally applied before foundation.

4. Blusher: This is the first of the color cosmetics that you apply to your face and one of the most flattering Its main purpose is to accentuate the cheek bones and to add colour and warmth to the skin. Blushers come in a variety of colours and shades in a wide thrice of textures as well.

5. Eyebrow colour : This is used to add colour to the eyebrows. These colours are either in the form of a pencil or a powder.

6. Eye –Shadows: These are used to give colour, definition and shape to the eyes.

7. Lipstick: This is used to balance the made-up face and to emphasise the mouth. Nowadays, lipsticks have a much softer texture. Lipsticks can be used directly on the lips but it is difficult to achieve a clean outline this way. It is thus better to take the lipstick off the stick with a lip brush.

8. Highlighter: This is generally used for dramatic effects to give a flattering ‘lift’ to a face.It is used on the browline, top of the cheekbone and the top line centre. The colours are light cream or white and are available either in the powder or cream form.

9. Shaders and Contours : Shaders are always brown and are used around the face to give a slimming effect. Contours are generally brown and are used under the cheekbone, to give a hollow look. The key to successful application for shaders and contours is a very light touch.

10. Mascara : This is used to emphasize eyes further by adding colour, thickness and sometimes even length to lashes.

When Buying cosmetics and perfumes online make sure to buy from proper sources to avoid buying sub standard cosmetics and perfumes

Short Biography of Giorgio Armani

Born on July 11, 1934 in a small Italian town, Giorgio Armani has become a symbol, an ambassador of Italian fashion all over the world.

Particularly known for his stylish suits worn by top Hollywood actors such as Mel Gibson or Richard Gere, Armani never even thought of becoming a fashion designer in his youth.

He went to college to become a medic, but he soon realized that hospitals weren’t for him. He quit in favor of taking photography courses. However, that was not meant to last much either as in 1957 he had to abandon them in order to do his obligatory military service.

After that, he got a job at “La Rinascente”, Italy’s leading department store at that time. In 1964, Armani went to work for Nino Cerruti, an important fashion designer. In 1970, encouraged by his good friend Sergio Galeotti, he left Cerruti and established his own freelance design studio.

In 1974, the same friend helped him establish his own company called Giorgio Armani S.p.A. His first collection for men was a huge success and a year later, he launched a collection for women that enjoyed the same enthusiasm from the public.

Since then, he continuously developed the Armani Look, which can now be easily recognized by almost everyone. It is well known for its distinct clean, tailored lines.

To better understand how popular and successful Giorgio Armani is, I think it’s sufficient to mention that he owns homes in several exotic places such as San Tropez, Forte dei Marmi, Broni, and Pantelleria.

Catch More Fish With Hobie Sunglasses

There are many features of Hobie sunglasses that make them great to wear when you are going fishing. For one thing, the lenses in the Hobie sunglasses are polarized which is what you need in sun glasses for fishing to reduce the glare from the sun reflecting off the water.

With Hobie sunglasses, you get the experience of the company in making sunglasses especially for fishing. Along with the polarized lenses, these fishing sunglasses contain hydrreflective coatings to give you the best possible vision whether you are fishing or just lying on the beach. In the process of making these sun glasses, Hobie applies a series of coatings to the lenses under very controlled conditions. This produces lenses that not only block the glare but also shed water.

When you are fishing on a sunny day, the glare on the water sometimes makes it hard for you to keep track of your lure. The polarized lenses in the fishing sun glasses made by Hobie take care of this problem for you. The Hobie sunglasses filter out the glare and only let the light through that you need. The result is that you have sun glasses that protect your eyes from the UV rays, reduce the strain on your eyes and improve your field of vision.

Every pair of Hobie sunglasses on the market goes through rigorous testing before they leave the factory. Because of this, these fishing sunglasses carry a manufacturer’s warranty against any defect in the lens. If you purchase Hobie sun glasses and you have a problem with the lens, the manufacturer will replace the sunglasses for you free of charge.

As with other designer sun glasses, there are several styles of Hobie sunglasses for you to choose from. These fishing sunglasses are suitable for wearing anywhere so they are fashionable. Choose from a satin black frame with a gray lens, dark brown frame with a copper lens or a satin black frame with a blue mirror lens. And just like the other sun glasses, you can order your Hobie sun glasses online. However, you do have to be careful to order from an authorized dealer. This is because purchasing these sunglasses for fishing from a dealer not authorized by Hobie could mean you don’t have a warranty.

Hobie sunglasses, fishing or sailing, perfect.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Finding Prom Dresses that Suit Your Body Type

Young or old, every woman wants to dress to look her best. That's doubly true when it comes to formal occasions, since everyone will notice what others are wearing. Add in the pressures of being a teenager, and shopping for prom dresses can become a worrisome struggle. The good news is that there are evening dresses designed for every body type and individual style. Follow these simple guidelines for finding formal dresses that will make you look and feel great.

Body Image and Loving Yourself

There's not a teenager around who isn't self-conscious about some aspect of her body. After all, we live in a culture that has an idealized standard of beauty that is simply unrealistic. The models in the fashion magazines and the celebrities we admire are the exception, rather than the rule. "Real" women don't look like models, and you shouldn't feel pressured to conform to a standard that is unattainable.

Before you start looking for prom dresses, look in the mirror and learn to love the image that looks back at you. Whether you're petite or tall, thin or plus size, understand that you deserve to have both your inner and outer beauty shine through on prom night. Decide which of your physical features you'd like to accentuate, and which you'd like to downplay.

Accentuating the Positive

If you're petite, for example, perhaps you'd like to dress so that your torso or your legs look longer. If that's the case, look at styles with clean lines and that don't have a lot of excess fabric. Short cocktail dresses might be a good choice, as they draw attention to your legs. An empire waist will lengthen your appearance, and a sizzling pair of stilettos will add height.

Plus-size girls can choose from among a wide range of styles. If you're pear shaped, you can show off your booty with a form-fitting dress, or opt for a flowing, vertically draped skirt with a fitted bodice to balance out your figure. If you're apple shaped, V-necklines are especially flattering. An empire waist will draw attention upward, though there's nothing wrong with flaunting your curves.

If you have an hourglass shape, virtually every dress will enhance your figure. Draw attention to your upper torso with a fitted bodice or corset, or go for sheer elegance with pageant dresses. Prints and complementary color combinations will also serve you well.

Girls who are especially slender can go one of two ways. First, you can try styles that incorporate a lot of fabric, and that feature gathering or shirring. Second, you can draw attention to or enhance your bustline with styles that are embellished or that use a contrasting color at the bust.

If you have a full bust, you can either enhance the feature with a strapless gown or look for prom dresses with straps that are widely spaced to downplay your bust. V-necklines will also add length and draw attention upward toward your face.

Whatever your body shape, you can find prom dresses that are flattering, elegant, and fun. Most of all, remember that beauty comes from self-confidence, a sense of style, and self-love.

Find Prom Dresses and Other Prom Essentials while Staying within Your Budget

Prom time is an exciting time.  It's a time when young couples and singles get together to dance the night away in a glamorous setting while wearing fancy tuxedos and elegant prom gowns.  Yes, the prom is one of the most important events of a teen's life. Unfortunately, it's also one of the most expensive events for you as a parent.

Buying prom dresses, shoes, and all the accessories to go with it can add up money-wise in a hurry. So here are some great tips on buying prom dresses and other prom items while staying within your budget.

Budgeting for Prom Dresses

A prom dress alone can cost anywhere from $100 to $300 or more, depending on the style of dress and designer.  Proms are formal, black-tie events.  Formal dresses can be expensive so it's a good idea to shop around early at various stores or even shop online for the best price on prom dresses.  Shopping online, you can often find great deals on stunning prom gowns by designers like Mori Lee, Jovani, Clarisse, Niteline, Dave and Johny, Paris, Riva, and Alyce Designs.

The best way to budget for a prom dress is to start saving early or put the dress on lay-away if possible.  If the prom event is to take place in April, start at the beginning of the school year. You'll have about six months or approximately 24 weeks to save for a prom dress.  Try to save at least $20 to $25 per week to have enough for a dress and possibly the accessories as well by prom time.

Cost of Prom Accessories

Keep in mind that the price for a prom dress is not the only price to consider when budgeting for the prom.  You also need to factor in the price for shoes, costume jewelry, stockings, a matching purse, hair pieces, makeup (if using a beautician or makeup artist), and nails.  All these together can cost anywhere from $100 to $250.  It's almost as much as or more than the cost of the prom dress, so be sure to start saving early for these as well.

A Boutonniere for Her Date

If your daughter is attending the prom with a date, she'll need to buy a boutonniere for him in exchange for his corsage to her. Carnations are usually the least expensive. Orchids are typically much higher.  Check around at various flower shops beforehand to compare prices.  A boutonniere can range from $10 to $30, depending on the type of flower.

Tickets and Prom Photos

Other costs to consider are the prom tickets and prom photos.  Prom ticket prices will vary depending on where you live in the U.S. Prom picture prices can vary as well depending on how many prints you order. Many prom photographers will expect payment up front, so keep this in mind as an early budget item as well.

Visiting an online prom dress and prom accessory resource might be the best solution for staying within your budget.  Prom specialty websites usually don't have the high overhead costs that a brick-and-mortar prom store might have, so they can pass the savings on to you. Also, you can find a great variety of prom items that you might not find in a local store.

Once you find a dependable source for formal wear, you can shop there for other items in the future such as homecoming dresses, fashion jewelry, and other women's interests items and formal clothing.  Start shopping and budgeting today to give your daughter a memorable prom night!

Fashion For The Little People

Rich Flanagan is the manager of, where visitors can purchase not only baby t-shirts, but also a large variety of kids t-shirts.If grownups can wear the most outrageous, funny and unique t-shirts shouldn’t kids have the same rights as their parents? The answer is yes and there are plenty of websites on the Internet that offer dozens of t-shirts for kids. Ranging from AC/DC, The Simpsons to the famous The Rolling Stones, the offer is rich and we can all agree that there is a t-shirt for every child out there.

The question is which websites are the best? If indeed you are interested in this subject you should start by looking at those websites that have their t-shirts divided into intuitive categories so that the visitors can find what they are looking for fast and easy. Another important aspect that should be taken into consideration by potential t-shirt buyers is that high quality websites offer plenty of images of their products so that the visitors can figure out which t-shirts are the best for their kids.

A catalogue with the latest models should be available for users in order to make a better picture about the baby t-shirts that are for sale. Unfortunately, babies can’t tell their parents which t-shirts they prefer so parents have to figure out on their own. But luckily there are hundreds of models from which parents can take their pick. Of course, such websites should offer t-shirts not only for babies, but also for kids and with a little bit of patience, every kid will the ideal t-shirt for him.

Funny slogan t-shirts are a boom these days in terms of sales and more models are available each day along with other models like music-based, cartoon-based and the list could go on. Other popular categories are: slogan & funny, TV & film, 80s fashion and others. In most cases, the availability of these t-shirts is for babies and kids ranging from 6 months to 12 years. A well-thought website should have a “ New “ section in which there should be listed the latest baby clothing products along with information regarding sizing, prices and availability.

Another interesting issue regarding these websites is the rating option. If you are wondering how this works it is quite simple, users of the website will rate a certain baby t-shirt and future users will find the most popular t-shirts in terms of rating. Of course it is a personal rating that most likely won’t be appreciated by all the future users but it can be a great tool to find the most popular t-shirts on the website.

Kids these days want to stand out and what better way to do so if not with a funny kid t-shirt? There are dozens of models for kids and babies out there; you just have to pick one. Kids can pick up their own t-shirts and for babies, parents take their pick and luckily, the babies will enjoy their brand new, let’s say funny slogan t-shirt.

All things considered, if you can’t find the perfect t-shirts for your kid on the local shop, the best way to search for one is on the Internet as there are plenty of websites that can offer exactly what you are looking for, a unique and funny baby/kid t-shirt.

Fashion Designer Draws Inspiration From Travels

World traveler and native New Yorker Edward Wilkerson brings a global aesthetic and sophisticated style to today's modern American woman.

As design director for Lafayette 148 New York, Wilkerson travels the globe for inspiration. He brings rich cultural touches to his feminine, chic designs using luxurious fabrics and exquisite tailoring. A true artist, Wilkerson is inspired by the culture, architecture and rich palettes of each exotic locale he visits. "Traveling has taught me to see the beauty in everything," Wilkerson said.

He designs polished and sophisticated separates that allow a woman to create her own individual style. Mixing fabric, texture and color is a hallmark of the Lafayette 148 collection.

Drawing from Indochine influences, Lafayette 148's early season offerings are expressed in sheer fabrics, creating a light, airy mood. Contrast is key; soft leathers mixed with flowing chiffon and cotton seersucker teamed with fluid linen. The spa-inspired colors -; beach glass, taupe, muslin and coral -; are accented with lustrous gold. Flowing, feminine skirts in both solids and prints are coupled with fitted, short jackets.

Wilkerson's Moroccan sojourn is apparent in a grouping of colors and fabrics that call to mind a brightly colored street bazaar: think spicy saturated shades of cinnabar, curry, chocolate and orchid. Distinctive handcrafted embellishments such as beading, embroidery and jeweled sequins define the look.

Another group evokes a chic seaside resort destination: wild Ibiza with bright, colorful prints; or dazzling St. Barth's with its white sand beaches and clear blue water. White featherweight knits are paired with full folkloric skirts. Cool, breezy dresses are summer must-haves.

The Lafayette 148 New York Collection is available at Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom and more than 250 fine specialty stores throughout the U.S.

Dresses Are The Newest It Thing

Haven’t worn a dress in a while and you need one for Friday night’s dinner date? Don’t stress, with a little help and a plan, you can find that perfect dress for Friday night. Here’s how:

Find out where you’ll be going. Is it formal, semi-formal, casual, or grunge? You don’t want to show up in a formal dress to find out he’s taking you to the beach for a nice romantic dinner!

Now decide on the type of dress. It’s important to choose a dress that flatters your figure. Not every dress works for all body types. The most flattering dresses are those with darker colors and simple cut. You want to show off best features and play them up.

Now choose a color. You could wear black, but why not explore some of the other dressy options? Bright colors and bold prints are dramatic. Pastels, mid-range brights and soft prints are great for dressy day occasions. Blues, pinks and whites look great on almost anyone.

Now it’s time to coordinate the color and type with the style. There are literally thousands of different styles of dresses. Try on many, even the ones you don’t like on the hangers. Some dresses look awful on the hanger but great on a body! You’ll never know until you try one on.

For special evening occasions, choose a cocktail dress. This is where the classic “little black dress” fits in.

For a picnic on the beach, try a sexy little spaghetti strap dress.

You should definitely set a budget before shopping because it’s easy to fall in love with a $500 dress and then try to justify it!

Usually special occasion dresses cost more than casual dresses. If you comparison shop, you can find one that works in your price range.

Now that you have the perfect dress, you’ll need to do some accessorizing. The trimmings will take their cue from the dress and the occasion. Don’t add a ton of glitz, you’ll overwhelm your outfit. Sparkly brooches and pins are great ways to add special pizzazz to your outfit.

Buying Bespoke Mens Shirts

Bespoke shirt tailoring is undergoing a surge of popularity in the UK as more men realize there are options beyond designer labels. Bespoke tailoring gives the opportunity to specify every aspect of how a shirt is cut, and allows the wearer to experience the feel and look of a perfectly fitted shirt. The following is a guide on what features you should expect from a quality bespoke made mens shirt.

Obviously, the main benefit of a bespoke shirt is that it fits the wearer perfectly; after all, the shirt has been made specifically for the wearer. Signs that a shirt is fitted well are:

* A bespoke mens shirt should not feel tight or appear baggy across the shoulders, chest, stomach, or seat. The cut of the shirt should follow the contours of the body, without being too close or restrictive a fit. A fabric allowance of about 6 inches on the chest body measurement, 5 inches on the stomach measurement, and 6 inches on the seat measurement should give good results with average body dimensions, although these allowances are variable depending on the wearer's build.

* The sleeves of the shirt should be long enough so that the cuffs do not move up the arm when the arms are raised above the head. Similarly, they should not be so long that when the arms are hanging by the side of the body, there is a significant excess of fabric on the sleeves near to the cuffs.

* The collar of the shirt should leave enough space to insert your thumb comfortably between the collar and the neck when buttoned, and should not feel tight or hang loose around the neck.

* The length of the shirt should be long enough so that the tails hang just below the seat when worn. This will ensure that the shirt does not become untucked during use.

* The cuffs of a bespoke mens shirt should be just too tight to slip over the hand when buttoned. It should be necessary to undo the cuffs when putting on the shirt.

Aside from the fit of the shirt, there are a number of other important features to keep an eye out for:

* Fabrics - A bespoke mens shirt should only ever be constructed from pure cotton fabric. Cotton affords the wearer far greater comfort than man made fibres, and give a classic Jermyn Street look and feel to a shirt. The count of the fabric should be as high as possible - the higher the count, the finer the fabric. Popular fabric weaves include poplin (a plain weave and the classic English shirting), twill (a heavier, diagonal weave), fils-a-fils (a tiny graph paper check that appears to be solid colour from a distance), and oxford (generally, the heaviest weave).

* Collars - The collar should be hand made, and can be either fused or unfused. A well fused collar will give a smooth look with no puckering, and should use cotton interfacing materials. Collars should have removable bones to keep the shape of the wings perfectly straight when inserted.

* Stitching - All stitching throughout the shirt should be single-needle stitching. This technique is more time-consuming than commercial methods, but gives strong seams that are significantly more pucker-resistant.

* Pattern matching - When using striped or patterned fabrics, pattern matching should occur wherever possible.

* Sleeve plackets - Where the sleeves meet the cuffs, traditional packets should be used. Highest quality shirts do not provide placket buttons as these are uneccessary in a well formed placket.

* Split yoke - To ensure a perfect fit across the shoulders, a split (4 piece) yoke should be used.

* Buttons - These should be cross-stitched onto the shirt by hand to ensure that they do not become loose over time.

* Tails - The tails of the shirt should be rounded and strengthened by a gusset.

Please visit for more information on mens shirts.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Man Dress Shoes - How to Choose

Which man dress shoes you pick may at first seem like a simple choice. You might shop around, see something that looks nice, and then pick your favorite color. While this might work, there are many things to consider that might not even cross your mind.

The first thing to consider is what else you are wearing. I know, seems simple, but knowing if this is going to be worn with business casual dress (slacks/dress shirt) as opposed to a full suit does make a difference. With a full suit, you want the nice, traditional polish shoes to compliment the suit, as that is the look you are putting forward with wearing a suit. If you are are dressing more casual, as most places are in recent times, you might consider a comfortable pair of oxfords or rockports. After all, if you don't have to wear full dress shoes, why not just wear a comfortable shoe.

The average person steps 4,000 - 5,000 times a day. That's roughly 3 miles. This can heavily impact which style of man dress shoes you wear, as well as how the padding and insole are manufactured. Quality speaks for itself, as the saying goes. How well the shoes will hold up is a definite thing to consider.

The above are just some items to consider when you're shopping for man dress shoes, and things normal men don't think about when they're out and decide to grab a new pair of shoes. Shopping online can make it drastically easier to find precisely what you want at the price you want.

Photography Photojournalism

Did you every pick up a newspaper or a magazine where a single image is used to tell a story. This is known as photojournalism.  Photojournalism can fall under all subjects of photography but the image needs to be news worthy to end up being published. 

There are two types of photojournalism.

The first type is where an image is used to illustrate a story.  Many feature journalists work closely with photographers and commission them to produce images that will be published with their articles. There is no limit to how many images can be used. This is usually the photo editors decision.

The second is where an image is used to tell a story without any words.  One single image may be used or as many as ten images are often used in magazines.   If you can write - do so; it will be an advantage when you submit some images.

One of the most important qualities of a photojournalist is his ability to react quickly when he comes along a scene that may be news worthy. 

Other than the obvious, here is a list of items which may be news worthy.

Impact pictures.
Pictures of the Environment
New buildings.

If you are serious about photojournalism build a collection of images from your area. Many of these pictures will not be immediately news worthy but may be down the road. Take pictures of all the factories and buildings in the area. Some day a factory may close and you may not be able to get to the scene. Also have plenty of pictures of local businessmen and politicians.

 Some photojournalists are lucky enough to get assignments from newspapers or magazines, most have to follow or find the news to make a living.

The world of digital photography has made the work of the photojournalist a lot easier. Being able to view, scan and e-mail images to a publisher instantly is a massive advantage.

The work of a photojournalist can be extremely harsh - taking pictures in all kinds of extreme conditions and in very dangerous situations.  Many photojournalists die each year in war zones and at different natural disasters around the world.

We live in a world, where today’s news is forgotten tomorrow and the need to get the images quickly to the publisher is so important. If you have images that are news worthy don’t delay sending them to a news agency or publisher. They won’t stay in the news very long.

How to Select a Local Model Agency Without Getting Burned

If you are an aspiring model, especially a beginner, you'll want to read this article before making any
contacts to model agencies. It's tough enough pursuing a modeling career when you are prepared but almost
impossible if you aren't!

The old cliche that says, "I'll just go down to the corner of Main or to the mall and get discovered." is totally
bogus! Believe it or not you're going to have to do some honest work to create a need for your modeling
services. Contrary to the statement above, most models are not discovered on the street corner; they were
"discovered" by making contacts. 

Even though you will be turned down by some agencies, you're in good company. I'd like to share some
"failure" stories with you.

1. Elvis Presley was turned down and told that he would never make it as a singer. 

2. A music group was turned down by a major record company because "groups using guitars are on their
way out" stated the company. This group was The Beatles!!

3. Tyra Banks was turned down by 4 out of 5 agencies and barely squeaked through the fifth door. Also
turned down at one time or another were most of the other superstars.

But, they all had one thing in common, dedication and persistence. They didn't take the first no as an insult.
If you are turned down by an agency, go on to the next, and the next. Remember, it's always too soon to

The biggest question I can think to ask is; "How committed are you to doing the really tough work involved
to become a model?" 

The world of modeling is very competitive and only those willing to put in the hours of practice and the
other time it takes to make contact after contact with model agencies will be able to work in the modeling
Contacting Local Model Agencies - Here are five tips if you plan to promote yourself locally...

If you plan to promote yourself locally put together a professional portfolio and keep contacting model
agencies & photographers who may need your services. 

1. Set goals for what you want and keep at it.

2. Steer clear of agencies who ask for large sums of money for so-called "training" unless you feel that you
just want that particular experience. 

There are plenty of legitimate agencies out there. You may want to try doing a search online for local model
agency listings in your state.

3. Advice from consumer advocates, former (modeling) customers and ex-agency employees for avoiding
modeling scams:

Avoid paying fees in advance. Legitimate agencies make their money from commissions. If you're asked to
pay for extra composite cards, check out the company with the Better Business Bureau and state consumer

If you are asked to sign a contract, take it home first. If they refuse, walk away.

Ask for reference lists of clients and ask what kinds of jobs the agency books.

4. Talk to other working models whenever possible. They can give you valuable insight and maybe steer you
to a good agency or clients.

5. Always take someone with you when going to interviews or photo shoots. - SAFETY FIRST! I can't
stress this enough!

These ideas are just the beginning in your modeling career! Take your time and learn everything you can
about modeling and the agencies before "jumping in" and you'll have an easier time than those who don't.
Success in modeling will take effort on your part. Go for it!

Gay Wedding Ring: Symbol of Love and Equality

A wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion for many people, although for an increasing number of persons, it has become a several-in-a-lifetime event. In any case, it is still a very special ceremony that binds not only a man and a woman together; today, gay male couples and gay women couples also observe the ceremony to affirm their lifelong commitment to each other. In such ceremonies, the gay wedding ring takes center stage.

Same-sex marriage is still illegal in the majority of U.S. states and in countries all over the world, so what gay couples opt for is to participate in a “commitment ceremony,” where the exchange of gay wedding rings also takes place. A gay wedding ring most often resembles the traditional gold or platinum wedding band. Of course, the couples are free to have the designs or the metal they wish for their gay wedding ring. Gay-related symbols are often engraved on the rings, and various textures and effects are available as well. Irish and Scottish rings, multicolored rings, woven rings – a wealth of options is available.

Homosexual and lesbian couples who have exchanged or are planning to exchange gay wedding rings in commitment or blessing ceremonies include Rosie and Kelly O’Donnell, and actress Sophie Ward and Rena Brannan. British musician Sir Elton John and David Furbish have also talked about getting married as soon as gays are legally allowed to join together in matrimony in Great Britain.

Jewelry designers such as Udi Behr are recognizing the need of “unconventional” couples to affirm their commitment to one another. Behr created a collection of gay wedding rings and gay engagement rings called “Love and Pride” in support of the gay rights movement.  Behr, who is himself straight, is a popular designer among celebrities; famous people who buy his work include Sharon Stone and Britney Spears.

As with heterosexual couples, gay couples see their weddings bands as a tangible symbol of their love and commitment to one another. Notwithstanding governmental indifference to or disapproval of their needs and wishes, gay people will go on standing for what they believe is their right. The gay wedding ring, aside from its romantic connotations, has also become a symbol of the large part of homosexual culture in today’s society.

Gemstones Are All About Tales And Colors

Gemstones carry many popular stories and beliefs regarding their colorful displays. Each such class of stones may have a distinct crystalline and optical identity to speak of, which shall provide a unique identity to the gemstone jewelry produced from them.  As per many popular stories, they are believed to influence the human mind in different ways when adorned as gemstone rings and other ornaments. These stories do have some scientific reasoning as well to rely on, as the human mind is known to react depending on the kind of optical and colorful displays it was exposed to. We are going to examine some of these tale telling facts about gemstones and their influences in the everyday life through the following paragraphs.

We often wear gemstone rings studded with Sapphires or Rubies on different occasions. These stones are basically mineral forms of corundum, an aluminum oxide (Al2O3). The mineral is called Ruby or Sapphire depending on the kind of light it was able to reflect back. A red mineral corundum is always called a Ruby while the rest other shades are classified either as Sapphires or Padparadschais. Gemstone rings should be worn according to one's zodiac sign, one popular belief says, and Sapphires work out best for those individuals who had an Aquarius sign. In the same way, Ruby is known to calm down aggressive individuals of a particular lineage of stars. Similarly, Opal and Topaz, two more precious stones that manufacturers often try making use of while assembling gemstone jewelry, are known to make individuals of certain stars successful.

Some southwest Indian tribes are widely seen wearing Turquoise to promote healing and good luck and to perform religious ceremonies. Hematite, another metallic gray colored stone, is adorned in the same region as a way to energize one's bloodstreams, while the brownish red Jasper is believed to nullify one's negativity. Jasper also gets known for healing up kidney, bladder, spleen and liver ailments and thus plays out the role of a medic. A dark green colored stone named Malachite, is supposed to help in garnering mental insightfulness and arousing the levels of loyalty and fidelity from those around. Another stone named as Adventurine and found in light greens, is often thought to aid people in getting rid of anxiety and garnering a tranquil life in exchange.

Purple colored stones Amethysts are known to help out people in getting rid of their addictive habits and in garnering mental peace. Similarly, Rhodonite is thought to raise up the levels of positive thoughts in one’s life and help out them have emotional soundness. These and many other notions regarding precious stones dictate how people would normally buy gemstone jewelry across the globe. Not only the charm of adorning oneself with lustrous jewels but also the thought of having positive effects is what makes people go in for the ornaments like gemstone rings, bracelets, necklaces etc.

Many websites may be seen offering a great deal of information regarding gemstone jewelry these days. These include stones produced in natural mines and scientifically synthesized both. One can log on at these sites to instantly order their selections of gemstone items at highly cut-throat rates any day.

Diamond - The Brightest Carbon

The brightest part in a woman’s life, diamond, is an allotropic form (different form) of darkest of the elements in the periodic table. The most fought for of all the gems, diamonds, have a long romancing history. Welcome to the exciting world of diamonds.

Origin and Diamond Market
Diamond has a bloody history right from Cleopatra to the famed Koh-I-Noor which at the earliest recorded date, 1526 AD, weighed 793 carats before being reduced to 186 carats by the lapidary Borgio.

Today De Beers monopolizes diamond production and trade which is around 130 million carats annually and in addition. A diamond is weighed in units of carats and a carat originally meant the weight of one carob seed. The present standard carat is, however, metric and equals 0.2 gm or 1/42 of an ounce.

How to Buy Diamonds
Diamonds mined out (mainly in South Africa and Botswana) can’t be sold directly as these are raw.

The 4Cs which stand for carat, clarity, color and cut of diamonds, determine the quality and price of these gems.

Carat: A carat equals 0.2 gm in weight and further divided into 100 points. This means a quarter carat equals 25 points and is written as 0.25 ct. It is hard that one can avail a diamond weighing a carat or above these days. It is almost always in fractions of carats now.

Clarity: Clearer the diamonds higher are the costs. Tiny inclusions (impurities due to presence of other minerals) mask the brilliance. While costing, the numbers of inclusions, their colors, positions are considered. Fewer the inclusions, greater is the reflection and higher is the value. Clarity is graded from I3 to VVS1, starting from Very Noticeable Inclusions to Very, Very Slightly Included, in decreasing order.

Color: The best color for diamond is having no color. White light passed through it will come out in rainbow colors. Although most diamonds look colorless they are slightly yellow or brown with subtle shades. Proximity to being colorless raises the value.

Cut: Cut is the dictator of a diamond’s value. A best cut diamond reflects all the light without allowing it to pass through giving it the brightest of shines. The best cut diamond has 57 facets (cut and polished faces) with 33 of them being on the top half, crown, and the rest on the pavilion, bottom half. Mathematically this gives the total reflection. The best cut diamond will have a round shape with the pavilion having an included angle 600 albeit there is a complex guidance chart for cutting diamonds.