Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Quick Guide to Wholesale Cubic Zirconia

Jewelry lovers are buying cubic zirconia today more than ever thanks to the improvement in quality and the many fashionable styles available. As a jeweler or jewelry manufacturer, this gives you a tremendous opportunity to sell quality jewelry for less and cater to your customers.

What is Cubic Zirconia?

Cubic zirconia is a man-made composition created to simulate, or take on the likeness of, a real diamond. Due to its hardness and beautiful shine, cubic zirconia has become the most popular substitute for diamonds on the market today. It is available in many fashionable styles, shapes and colors to fit any occasion. Cubic zirconia stones can be used in all types of jewelry, including rings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and earrings.

Synthetic Gemstones

Synthetic gemstones are made in a laboratory but still carry the same properties as natural stones. These "lab gems" have become popular and actually are in greater demand today for their own beauty, not merely as a substitute for natural stones. Almost every popular gemstone has a synthetic counterpart. Customers are flocking to get the latest style of cubic zirconia or synthetic gemstone jewelry like never before.

What's the Difference?

Though both have lovely characteristics, there is a great difference between cubic zirconia and synthetic gemstones. Both are created in a lab, but synthetic gemstones are made using the same optical, physical, and chemical properties as natural stones. Lab gems also have the same mineral content as natural gems. On the other hand, cubic zirconia is created to look similar to natural stones but with different optical, physical, and chemical properties.

Types of Synthetic Gemstones

Synthetic gemstones come in many shapes and forms. They are available in coral, diamond, alexandrite, emerald, lapis lazuli, ruby, sapphire, turquoise, spinel, garnet, and quartz. There are many shapes and colors available. For example, lab blue sapphire gems and lab ruby gems come in the following shapes: heart, marquise, octagon, oval, round, trillion, square, pear, and baguette.

Cubic Zirconia Styles

Cubic zirconia resembles a diamond and is available in various shapes and colors. For instance, there are heart-shaped lavender stones, oval-shaped pink stones, pear-shaped champagne stones, and many other dazzling combinations.

Quality Checklist

When shopping for wholesale cubic zirconia or synthetic gemstones, be sure to only buy top quality stones. Ask for samples to check for quality in the following areas: cut, smoothness, hardness (cubic zirconia ranking 8.5 on Moh's Scale of Hardness), and weight. Find a reputable gemologist to help if you're not sure how to check for quality.

Don't settle for second-hand stones. Look for great wholesale prices when ordering loose cubic zirconia, or loose cz, without sacrificing quality. Your customers will know the difference. Look for the grades when buying white cubic zirconia - Grade A, Grade AAA, and Grade AAAAA. Grade AAAAA has become the most valued cubic zirconia stone because it offers long-lasting fire and sparkle.

When buying loose cubic zirconia from a wholesale supplier, remember to put quality first so your customers can enjoy long-lasting beauty.

3 Tips on Choosing the Right Perfume for You

With the thousands of fragrances in the market, it can sometimes be tricky to choose the one that is perfect for your taste, personality, the occasion, and other factors. Check out the following basic tips that you may find useful when choosing and even wearing the perfect perfume for you.

1. Determine your budget.

Perfumes are priced in a very big range, from very inexpensive colognes to luxurious designer brands. Determining your budget or the money you are prepared to spend beforehand will help narrow down the choices and will save you a lot of time.

2. Know what particular smell you want and go for it.

Decide on what type of fragrance you want based on what use the perfume would be to you. For instance, is it for special occasions? Is it to please or seduce a lover? Is it for everyday wash and wear? If you plan to please someone, make sure to research on the particular fragrances he or she likes. If you want it to be an everyday whiff you can wear to work or school, you may want to buy a lighter and fresher scent. If it’s for big parties and formal events, choose a perfume that makes a stronger impact by blending well with your body chemistry.

Other factors like the weather or season are also important to consider. For instance, if you live in a very humid setting, floral fragrances with a woody or musky base often complement the sultry weather. If you’re often surrounded by a lot of people in near proximity, don’t choose a very strong perfume because not everyone likes perfume. Citrus, sea breeze and other herb and floral fragrances are often fresh and rejuvenating, perfect for someone always on the go. If you will be out on a date and want to heighten the romance, choose a scent that is a bit stronger but not overpowering. Usually oriental spices project confidence and sophistication. Meanwhile, aromatic blends are perfect for men who like to smell like a true man exuding with machismo and security.

3. Examine carefully before buying.

When you’ve finally narrowed down your choices and you’re ready to go to a perfume shop, don’t forget to carefully examine each perfume you fancy before getting ahead of yourself and purchasing. Take note that your nose can only handle so much and testing 20 perfumes consecutively will prove to be futile. Before you start spraying a perfume on your wrist, spray it first on a card or paper and decide if you like it. If not, move on to the next. Once you find a scent you think is perfect, start testing it on your body. Apply a small amount on your wrist or at the back of your arm. Sometimes the saleslady will offer to apply some in her own skin and have you smell it. This is a no-no because each of us reacts to perfumes in different ways. Make sure the perfume is perfect for you by putting it on your own skin. Wait for a few minutes because fragrances start to grow on you and smell different after a while.

Addiction: When Gambling Becomes a Problem

While most people enjoy casino gambling, sports betting, lottery and bingo playing for the fun and excitement it provides, others may experience gambling as an addictive and distractive habit. Statistics show that while 85 percent of the adult population in the US enjoys some type of gambling every year, between 2 and 3 percent of will develop a gambling problem and 1 percent of them are diagnosed as pathological gamblers.

Where can you draw the line between harmless gambling to problem gambling? How can you tell if you or your friend are compulsive gamblers? Here you can find answers to these questions and other questions regarding problem gambling and gambling addiction.

What is the Meaning of Problem Gambling?
Problem gambling or compulsive gambling is defined as an uncontrollable urge to gamble despite the destructive effect of gambling on the gamblers life and despite feelings of guilt and remorse. Problem gambling tends to have a negative effect on the gamblers financial state, relationships and daily life. Severe cases of problem gambling can be defined as pathological gambling.

Am I a Compulsive Gambler?
1) Do you gamble until your last penny runs out?
2) Do you gamble to win back your former losses or debts?
3) Did you ever had to borrow money to continue gamble?
4) Did your gambling habit ever made you lie to your friends or family?
5) Did you ever skip work or other obligation to gamble?
6) Do you tend to gamble to forget about your personal problems or to celebrate happy occasions?
7) Does gambling have a negative affect on your daily life or relationships?

If you have answered yes on at least one of the questions listed above, then you have a problem.

Can Anyone Become a Compulsive Gambler?
Theoretically, yes. Any gambler can develop gambling problem regardless to the type of gambling he is occupied with, the amount of money and time he is spending on gambling. Researches show that slot machines that can be found in bars and convenient stores are the most addictive type of gambling activity, while lottery draws and bingo games are located on the other end of the scale. Gambling addiction is an emotional problem; its symptoms, causes and treatments are similar to any other form of addiction.

How Can I treat Gambling Addiction?
1) Group Therapy:
Gamblers Anonymous offers a 12 step self help program similar to the one offered to alcohol addicts in Alcoholics Anonymous. Group therapy also offers gambling addicts advice and support from professional counselors and other gambling addicts in different phases of their recovery process. Gambler Anonymous centers are available in more than 1,200 locations statewide.

2) Individual Therapy:
Cognitive or behavior therapy can help gambling addicts to identify their unaware thinking and acting patterns, which led them to gamble compulsively, and to replace them with controllable and healthier ways of thinking.

3) Psychiatric Medication:
It has recently been proven that antidepressant medications from the family of SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can be affective in treatment of gambling addicts.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Guide To Diamond Engagement Rings

Surprising your girlfriend with a beautiful diamond ring is a moment both of you will cherish your entire life. A once in a lifetime occasion, buying a diamond ring should be done carefully as your fiancée will wear it everyday, showing it off to her friends and family members, flaunting your love.

The market is flooded with numerous jewelers and shops claiming to sell the most authentic and beautiful diamonds there are. To make the right choice from the plethora of designs and variety can indeed be a confusing task. It would do you good to be aware of some basic tips on buying diamond jewelry before you buy one for your girlfriend. The ‘four c’s’, color, cut, clarity and carat, are the deciding factors for a diamond’s purity and value. This king of gems comes in all colors, with white being the purest and costliest. Although it is the hardest stone available, diamond can be cut in a variety of fancy shapes and sizes. The shape and cut determines the shine of the gem.

One should choose the shape of the diamond according to your girlfriend’s personality. If she is dainty-- buy a small elegant one; tall and well-buily? go for a large squarish rock. The sparkle of the diamond often holds more importance than the rock’s size. Clarity of the diamond ensures a dazzling shine every time the light passes through the stone. Carat, or the weight of diamond, also contributes to its price and value in the market.

Educating yourself about the ‘four c’s’ will keep you from buying imitations. Even though it is conventional to spend two months salary on your engagement ring, you can buy synthetic diamonds, which will be easier on your wallet. Synthetic diamond has the same physical properties of a real diamond but is more affordable than the real one. Finally, do ask the jeweler to provide a purity certificate, which will serve as a guarantee and later help in insuring your gems.

10 Tips for Peaceful Crafting with the Kids

Are you looking for ways to keep craft time with your children simple and fun? If so, I hope you will put some of the following suggestions to use.

1. Find the craft the kids want to make and then make a list of all the supplies you will need to make the craft.

2. If you do not have everything on hand add the supplies you need to your shopping list so you will not forget them.

3. Put a plastic table cloth down where you will be crafting.

4. Have all supplies laid out before you announce craft time to your kids.

5. Use non-toxic paints, glues, etc.

6. Have wet wipes and paper towels handy for spills.

7. Always try to have extra supplies in case something is lost or torn, etc.

8. Let them wear old clothes so you will not be stressed out over ruining what they are wearing.

9.Show the kids how to do the craft but let them do it in their own way. If you insist on it being perfect then you might as well do the craft yourself and forget about having craft time with the kids. It also makes the children thnk that everything has to be perfect and that their best is not good enough. Sometimes little hands need help but you know you have gone too far when you are the only one left at the craft table.

10.Have fun! Don't worry about a little paint on their hands & faces, take pictures instead.

I hope you will try these suggestions for a stress free craft time with your children. Show them how to have fun, they will learn how to be stressed out way too soon anyway.

Amethyst: A Geological Marvel

Geological Information

Amethyst is a high-quality form of quartz crystal, naturally found as clusters in a nodular stone. They are found sometimes in volcanic vugs or small cavities in rocks. The chemical name for Amethyst is Silicon Dioxide. Amethyst obtains its color through a combination of manganese impurities and iron.

The purple color comes from the presence of manganese, while the existence of iron in certain quantities controls the intensity of the color. Artificial heating treatments have been used on Amethyst to produce popular gems known as Citrine and Ametrine (400 and 500 degrees Celsius). Amethyst measures 7 on Mohs' hardness scale.

One of the largest cut amethysts in the world is 343 carats and is being displayed at the National History Museum in London. Very dark stones are sometimes heated to enhance color.

Metaphysical and Healing Properties

New Age supporters believe that crystal and gem healing is an art. Objects such as gems and crystals have absorbed and inherited the vital healing powers of Mother Earth. They believe that crystals and gems have physical and spiritual powers that can be used as a therapy for pain, stress and depression.

Amethyst has come to be known to possess prolific purifying healing powers. It acts as a healer at all levels of mind, body and soul, and is commonly associated with peace. It has a tremendous ability of reducing negativity and anxiety.

Placing it under the pillow is said to calm the mid, encourage sleep and dispel nightmares. Amethyst is also known to enhance mental strength and stability. It is considered an ideal stone for those who are struggling with addiction or recovering from alcoholism.

Beside its mental therapeutic benefits, amethyst is used as a remedy for many physical afflictions. When used as a medical solution, amethyst is used to treat toothaches, skeletal discomforts, and other bone and joint-related sicknesses. Amethyst also cures stomach problems, blood disease as well as heart and hearing disorders. Amethyst as crystal is used to heal nervous system problems such as neuralgia.

Amethyst in Jewelry

Amethyst is the traditional gem for the 4th, 6th and 17th wedding anniversaries. It is used as faceted stones and is carved in various shapes. Amethyst gemstones are used in necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets, brooches, and pendants. This highly praised stone is also shaped and used other items such as hair accessories, key rings and watches.


Amethyst gets its name from the Greek word amethustos, meaning "not drunken". The origin of amethyst name and its healing properties come from a Greek legend telling the story of how Dionysus, god of wine and intoxication was angry from one mortal that he swore revenge on all mortals who did not get drunk and celebrate.

A young maiden called Amethyst was on her way to pay tribute to the goddess Diana, when she was captured by the furious Dionysus. Being so innocent she was not familiar with drinking and intoxication. Dionysus brought two tigers to eat her and sat back with his wine to watch.

Amethyst called upon Diana for help, who turned Amethyst into a crystalline quartz statue to protect her. Seeing Amethyst like that, Dionysus wept tears of wine, which stained the quartz purple creating the gemstone amethyst. Owing to its name and mythological origin, it was believed that the wearer of amethyst jewelry is immune to becoming intoxicated. Moreover, amethyst used to be carved into cups with the belief that drinking from it helps to cure and avoid positioning.

Purple color has long been associated with royalty. Because of its purple color and beauty, amethyst was favored by the royals for centuries. Amethyst necklaces and jewelry were found buried in the tombs of Ancient Egyptians, and was a personal favorite of Queen Catherine the Great.

It is still being used today, with the rare ones decorating the British Crown Jewels. Amethyst is mentioned in the Old Testament and the Bible, and is thought to encourage celibacy and symbolize holiness. Cardinals and Bishops in the Catholic Church wear rings with a large amethyst as a part of their office. In Tibet, amethyst is a sacred gem to Buddha.

Physical and Optical Properties

Amethyst is available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. Large stones could be sold in free sizes but usually amethyst is cut in certain dimensions.

This semi-precious stone is unique in color. With colors range from pale lilac to deep purple, including a reddish shades sometimes, amethyst is the most valuable form of quartz. In jewelry, the deepest shades of Amethyst, which maintain their transparency, are considered the most precious.

A unique Brazilian amethyst in pastel shade of lilac with pinkish tones is known as Rose de France Amethyst. It is a very clean gemstone and was very popular during the Victorian age. Though it is frequently found in antique jewelry, Rose de France Amethyst is becoming popular again nowadays.

Geographical Information

Amethyst is found globally, at very affordable prices, in countries like Canada, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, United States, Zambia, Namibia and other African countries. Amethyst has been named the state gemstone of South Carolina.

Amethyst deposits can also be found in other countries such as: Germany, Italy, Bolivia, Madagascar, India and Sri Lanka. However, the quality of amethyst differs by region and source. Amethyst coming from South America is likely larger than the African amethyst. However, Amethyst from Africa is known for better and deeper color. Dark amethyst in small sizes is also found in Australia.

70 - 80% Of Women Do Not Wear The Right Size Bra!

Every woman knows the difficulty involved in finding the right bra. Questions like What cup Size are you now? What style do you require? Seem to never end!

Well...First and foremost it is essential that you know your correct size. A badly fitting bra can lead to back problems, muscle tension, and even headaches. If you are in your teen years, the strain caused by a badly fitting bra can lead to permanent problems with posture and even back pain. So that?s why teens should be fit by a bra expert at least twice a year or even after every noticeable growth pattern.

Your first consideration should be the reason you need the bra; is it for athletics, coverage, comfort or support? There are different types and styles of bras made for specific types of bodies and physical activities. Although it would be nice, no one bra can do it all; you have different bras for different jobs. A Sexy bra for those intimate private moments or a Sports Bra for when you want to perform arduous exercise.

First Bras

Training bras are for younger girls who have just started to develop breasts and are not able to fit into standard size bras. Age is not the concern, rather its getting the right fit and support for your breast size.

Wireless Bras

Light support or wireless bras usually have no Underwire and are sometimes the preferred choice for those with smaller breasts. They are less constricting and more comfortable than full support bras. As they are wireless they offer less shaping and more freedom than other bras. You can find the padded and unpadded variety; what you choose is a matter of personal preference.

Underwire Bras

Full support or underwire bras usually have an underwire or plastic boning holding them up. It doesn?t matter what breast size you are, however it is a must for those with larger cup sizes. They also are available in padded or unpadded varieties.

Push Up Bras

Sometimes referred to as padded bras and more famously attributed to the Wonderbra. They lift the breasts and add more shape to them with extra padding. There are some more innovative versions around that use silicone inserts or water sacks to enhance your look even further. They are known to "lift and separate" the breasts, creating a full cleavage and most importantly offer lots of support.

Plus Size Bras

Plus size bras have finally found a home away from the unsightly bras of yesteryear to the sleek and sexy bras of today. From sports to sexy to your everyday bra, plus size bras are know available in many styles and brands. You can get extremely feminine lacy plus size bras, or bras finished in satin, silk, lace and cotton, under wire and strapless bras.

Sports Bras

Probably the least flattering and sexy in the bra family but ironically the most important one for growing teens to have. As well as offering full support, they also stop the breasts from moving during strenuous activity. The tissue in your breasts is very delicate and growing tissue especially needs to be protected during high impact exercise.

Nursing Bras

Your breasts start changing shape from the fourth month of pregnancy. As a result, most women find their previous bra too small. Purchase a nursing bras close to your due date or shortly after your baby arrives, because your breasts will grow larger toward the end of your pregnancy and when milk comes in. Consider buying a bra that has flaps and can be opened and refastened easily. Since milk leakage is inevitable, it also makes sense to buy nursing pads to protect both your bra and clothes. It is always better to buy 100% cotton bras, as cotton is a breathable fabric. Synthetic fabrics trap moisture and encourage bacterial growth and soreness.

Mastectomy Bras

These types of bras are designed with pockets in the cup area to hold a breast prosthesis. There is a wide range of styles and colors available. The silicone breast prosthesis simulates the natural breast with regards to its shape and weight. The prosthesis?s main advantage of is that it provides symmetry and balance to a persons body, who has survived from breast cancer. Wearing the right prosthesis is primarily important to your ultimate comfort level. With a superior fitting prosthesis, and a well-made and fitted mastectomy bra, you in turn will help to balance your posture and provide fortification for your chest and breast cancer scars.

Now you know the importance of the bra and the many types available, you should know firstly what size you need and how to determine that size. The following article gives you an insight into how to measure your self and the importance of a well fitted bra.

A Clothes Encounter In The Business World

Do you ever wonder where all the dress rules have gone? Depending on when and where you are on any given business day, the words "distant past" might come to mind. It's difficult to decide if people don't know what to wear to work or if they have lost sight of the relevance of appearance to professional success.

The Queen of England is reported to have told Prince Charles, "Dress gives one the outward sign from which people can judge the inward state of mind. One they can see, the other they cannot." Clearly, she was saying what many people are reluctant to accept; that people judge us by the way we dress. In all situations, business and social, our outward appearance sends a message.

Try going to a busy restaurant at lunchtime. Look around you at what people are wearing and see if you don't make judgments about who they are, their line of business, their personalities and their competencies. Think about how you feel when you are dressed in your usual business attire as opposed to casual dress. Your choice of business apparel speaks to your professional behavior and credibility. It is important to understand how to dress for business if you wish to promote yourself and your organization in a positive manner,

How you dress depends on four factors: the industry in which you work, the job you have within that industry, the geographic area in which you live; and most importantly, what your client expects to see.

Professional Dress for Men

In men's clothing, fashion does not change significantly from season to season but business attire is about being professional and not about being fashionable. It's about presenting yourself in a way that makes your clients feel comfortable and confident with you. Dressing for success is still the rule. The professional businessman should keep in mind these few points when deciding what to wear to work.

Choose a conservative suit in navy, black or gray either pinstripe or solid. The quality of the material speaks as loudly as the color and can make the difference between sleaze and suave.

A solid white or blue dress shirt with long sleeves offers the most polished look. The more pattern and color you add, the more the focus is on your clothing, rather than your professionalism.

Ties should be made of silk or a silk-like fabric. Avoid the cartoon characters and go for simple and subtle if you want to enhance your credibility.

Socks should be calf-length or above. Make sure they match not only what you are wearing, but also each other. A quick glance in good light before heading out the door can save embarrassment later in the day. Check for holes as well if you'll be going through airport security and removing your shoes.

Shoes should without question be conservative, clean and well polished. Lace-up shoes are the choice over slip-ons or flip flops. Don't think for a minute that people don't notice shoes. Many people will look at your feet before your face.

Belts need to match or closely coordinate with your shoes. Once again, quality counts.

Keep jewelry to a minimum. In a time when men sport gold necklaces, bracelets and earrings, the business professional should limit himself to a conservative watch, a wedding band and maybe his college ring.

Personal hygiene is part of the success equation. Freshly scrubbed wins out over heavily fragranced any day of the week. Save the after-shave for after hours, but never the shave itself.

The finishing touch for the business man is his choice of accessories: briefcase, portfolio and pen. When it comes to sealing the deal, a top of the line suit, a silk tie and a good pair of leather shoes can lose their affect when you pull out the ball point pen you picked up in the hotel meeting room the day before.

Professional Dress for Women

When women entered the workplace in the 1970's and 1980's in greater numbers than ever before and began to move into positions which had traditionally been held by men, many of them believed that they needed to imitate male business attire. The result was women showing up at the office in skirted suits or coordinated skirts and jackets with tailored blouses finished off with an accessory item that looked very much like a man's tie. Happily those days are gone. While the business woman may now wear trousers to work, she does it out of a desire to appear professional and at the same time enjoy the flexibility and comfort that pants offer over skirts. Her goal is no longer to mirror her male colleagues.

The same overall rules apply to women's work attire as apply to men's. Business clothing is not a reflection of the latest fashion trend. A woman should be noticed for who she is and her professional skills rather than for what she wears. Her business wear should be appropriate for her industry and her position or title within the industry.

Start with a skirted suit or pants suit for the most conservative look. A skirted suit is the most professional. With a few exceptions, dresses do not offer the same credibility unless they are accompanied by matching jackets.

Skirts should be knee-length or slightly above or below. Avoid extremes. A skirt more than two inches above the knee raises eyebrows and questions.

Pants should break at the top of the foot or shoe. While Capri pants and their fashion cousins that come in assorted lengths from mid-calf to ankle are the latest trend, they are out of place in the conservative business environment.

Blouses and sweaters provide color and variety to woman's clothing, but they should be appealing rather than revealing. Inappropriate necklines and waistlines can give the wrong impression.

Women need to wear hose in the business world. Neutral or flesh-tone stockings are the best choices. Never wear dark hose with light-colored clothing or shoes. Keep an extra pair of stockings in your desk drawer unless the hosiery store is next door or just down the street from the office.

Faces, not feet, should be the focal point in business so chose conservative shoes. A low heel is more professional than flats or high heels. In spite of current fashion and the sandal rage, open-toed or backless shoes are not office attire. Not only are sandals a safety hazard, they suggest a certain official agenda.

When it comes to accessories and jewelry, less is once again more. Keep it simple: one ring per hand, one earring per ear. Accessories should reflect your personality, not diminish your credibility.

Business attire is different from weekend and evening wear. Investing in a good business wardrobe is an investment in your professional future. For those who think it's not what you wear but who you are that creates success, give that some more thought. Business skills and experience count, but so does personal appearance and that all-important first impression.

© 2005, Lydia Ramsey. All rights in all media reserved.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

5 Ways To Keep Your Scrapbook Safe

One of the most devastating things that can happen to a scrapbook-er is for their creation to be ruined. So many hours, time, energy and money have been exhausted in putting together a work of art that brings back those memorable moments in time. There are plenty of ways that your book can get destroyed. With just a few simple precautions, you can make sure that your book will be around for years to come for your grand childrens and family members to enjoy.

(1) Liquids obviously will destroy memorabilia, photographs and negatives. To avoid disasters, store your scrapbooks supplies, albums, photographs and negatives in a dry, cool place where water from broken pipes or overflowing toilets cannot reach them. Also, keep food and drinks out of your work area. Over time, sunlight can diminish photos, negatives, layouts, and album quality. Keep all supplies out of direct sunlight.

(2) Extreme temperatures damage photos, negatives, layouts, page protectors and albums. Always store all items in a regular-temperature area and in an area where there is low humidity.

(3) Although it may not be an immediately apparent problem but fingerprints on photos, negatives and layouts become visible over time. Oil from skin is the cause of this problem. To prevent this deterioration, handle all photos carefully, touching only the outer edges. Wash hands frequently or use acid neutralizing wipes but make sure your hands are dry before handling any materials. Use lightweight cotton gloves if available to ensure those pictures stay perfect.

(4) Handle and store your photos, negatives, and layouts carefully. Improper storage increases the risk of scratches, tears, and bends. Store and seal your photos and negatives in a sturdy container, in plastic sleeves that fit into a 3-ring binder, or in acid-free envelopes. Keep in mind that not all plastics are alike. In fact, some sheet protectors, binders, photo enclosures, and photo corners will eventually damage your memorabilia more than if you had not used plastic protection or enhancement at all. To avoid this, do not buy materials containing PVC or PVA, buy your materials from reputable scrapbook stores. Yes, it may cost you a bit more but your scrapbook will last so much longer. Look for acrylic or polyester materials as an alternative.

(5) Finally, paper and cardstock you find in your local hobby store are not necessarily acid-free unless stated on the packaging. Also realize that just because a manufacturer’s lighter colored paper is acid-free does not guarantee the darker colors will also be. Your best bet is to test any paper that is not specifically marked 'acid-free.'

Now that wasn't hard at all, was it? And you've earned a wealth of knowledge, just from taking some time to learn from another scrapper enthusiast.

Brand Name Clothing Online Deals

Brand name clothing is highly recognizable by customers because the brands spend millions of dollars marketing themselves. Non branded clothing, basically clothing by smaller labels or imported from overseas, have no name recognition. But the flip side is that non branded clothing can be purchased and resold for allot less than branded clothing.

True Religion Jeans

So how do you decide between selling non branded and brand name clothing?

For starters you need to know who your customers are.

Although the following might not be politically correct you need to understand this.

Lower income customers might want brand name clothing but they cannot afford it. So even though they would love to have brand name clothing they will usually settle for non branded clothing.

On the other hand more affluent customers will want only branded clothing because they have more pressure in terms of keeping up with the latest styles.

mens jeans

Now the above is true in the theoretical world. But in the real world everyone wants brand name clothing.

So how do you as a reseller buy brand name clothing at prices low enough to sell to your poorer customers?

You need to purchase overstock clothing.

womens jeans

Overstock clothing consists of clothing which a department store did not sell within a set period of time. A department store wants to always have new merchandise on its racks. Whatever does not sell within a set period of time will be sold out as overstock.

Since the overstock consists of brand names you have a great opportunity.

You can get a hold of brand new clothing by leading brands at a fraction of the regular wholesale price.

What’s the catch?

When you purchase clothing on online auctions you will receive a wide assortment of styles and sizes. You can’t specify the number of pants or skirts, or sizes for that matter.

So while this might discourage some people from purchasing overstock clothing, just think of the advantages of buying brand names like Polo Ralph Lauren, Tommy, Liz Claiborne, Ecko, and Baby Phat, for a fraction of the regular wholesale price.

I stress on my site,, that customers will receive an assortment of brands and styles, and also the average retail price of the items that I have.

This way resellers can decide the merits of buying and selling online auction merchandise for themselves.

While overstock clothing might not work if you need a full range of sizes for a given item, it definitely works if you want to buy brand name clothing at the lowest possible wholesale prices.

Are Dress Codes in Workplace Important?

Are dress codes important?

It’s a very interesting question. If you sit to discuss about dress codes you might end up in a debate. Creating a dress code for a workplace can be a tricky thing. Fashion is the word of the day and in such an atmosphere dress codes can certainly be a helping hand.

Why are dress codes implemented?

It’s very important to maintain dress codes in an office. Young boys and girls often dress shabbily without bothering what the world has to say. A compulsory dress code can keep them under control and maintain a decent image in public.

If no dress codes are maintained in a workplace then anyone will wear anything of his/her choice. This will distract other employees and have a severe impact on their performance. If a colleague proves to be a distraction the other employees will have a hard time concentrating on their work. Dress codes have to be reasonable depending on the type of work.

Dress Codes for employees

It’s very important that employees sign in neat for work. They might opt for casual or formal business attire, but this is something that will vary greatly from setting to setting.

Some things that are completely against dress codes are:
• Clothing which has an abusive and foul language
• Tank tops, muscle shirts or halter tops
• Wearing torn jeans and tops
• Hats or caps
• Wearing sweaty pants or sweat suits

What things should employers keep in mind at the time of deciding a dress code?

Dress codes have to be reasonable depending on the type of work. At the time of developing a dress ode the employer should ensure that they are:
• Job related
• Not treating one sex less favorably than the other
• Not treating one race less favorably than the other

It’s very important that the employer communicates these dress codes to the employees, for them to follow.

Monday, December 28, 2009

How to Prevent Being Fooled While Choosing Organic T-Shirts

It is not a secret now that the demand for organic cotton clothing is rising quickly. People are willing to buy more natural clothing to themselves to prevent from harmful chemicals that are used at several textile processes.

However, there are also some clever people who are trying to make more money on using this weakness of people. I mean how will you trust that the t-shirt you purchased is really organic? There are 3 common usages of organic cotton.

a) You use the normal/conventional cotton and claim that it was organic. If people believes you then you will make %30 more profit with the exact same garments. So please carefully check the labels of the clothing before you buy and also try to buy from big brands!

b) You get the organic cotton. Made the fabric from it and dye it like you do with the normal cotton. In the end you will have a harmful and chemical fabric which is not organic but "made from organic cotton".

c) You get the organic cotton and dye it with dyestuff that is allowed by the organic certification companies and follow their guidelines. This is costly and the final fabric, t-shirt price will be higher but this is ofcourse healtier. In the end your organic fabric will not be harmful! In that case you can also say the term "organic t-shirt" easily.

Confusing right? Try to stay away from "made in India" and "made in China" organic cotton products for now. USA and Turkey is offering much better quality and trusted business at the moment. I will try to explain the details in my next article on web site.

6 Most Common Diamond Scams

When it comes to diamonds, there are numerous scams to avoid. Most scams are minor, but there are some major ones that come up from time to time concerning the buying and selling of diamonds. Scams occur simply because most people who buy diamonds – for whatever reasons – don’t know that much about diamonds. Therefore, they are easily fooled.

Jewelry stores like to show their diamonds in bright lights. Lights make diamonds shine. Ask to see the diamond in a different, darker type of lighting as well. Jewelry also stores often run ‘fluorescence’ scams to varying degrees. Referring to a diamond as a blue-white diamond is such a scam. A blue-white diamond sounds very unique and special, but in fact, this type of diamond is of lesser quality – even though the jeweler will try to make you think you are getting something special.

A common scam that most jewelry stores participate in is the Carat Total Weight scam. The tag on the piece of jewelry, usually a ring, only states the total carat weight of all diamonds in the piece, instead of listing the total weights separately for each diamond. This leads consumers to believe that the main diamond in the piece is actually bigger than it is. Ask what the total carat weight of the center stone is. Also beware of fractions. Jewelry stores are allowed to round off diamond weights. This means that if the jeweler tells you that it is a ¾ carat diamond, it is probably between ½ and ¾ carat – but closer to ¾.

Some truly unscrupulous jewelers target those who want appraisals on diamonds that were given to them as gifts or that were purchased elsewhere. They will try to tell you that the diamond is worthless, or worth less than it actually is worth – and offer to take it off your hands or trade it for a much better diamond, along with the cash to make up the difference. This is called low balling. Get a second, third, and even a forth opinion before taking any action.

Jewelry stores often run ‘fluorescence’ scams to varying degrees. Referring to a diamond as a blue-white diamond is such a scam. A blue-white diamond sounds very unique and special, but in fact, this type of diamond is of lesser quality – even though the jeweler will try to make you think you are getting something special. Jewelry stores also like to show their diamonds in bright lights. Lights make diamonds shine. Ask to see the diamond in a different, darker type of lighting as well.

Another common dirty trick is to switch the diamond you have chosen and paid for with one of lesser quality and value when you leave it to be set in a piece of jewelry, or leave a diamond ring to be sized. The only way to avoid this is to do business with one trustworthy jeweler. Avoid jewelers that you have not done business with in the past.

There are many more scams that jewelry stores commonly pull on unsuspecting consumers. Just use your best judgment, and purchase your diamonds with the utmost care and consideration.

10 Safety Tips When Getting Your Body Pierced

Ten Body Piercing Safety Tips

Body piercing is all the rage with individuals of all ages. Whether you are choosing to pierce ears, lips, noses, eyebrows, tongues, or something a bit more risqué, safety and hygiene should be at the top of the check list before you run out and grab a needle. These ten tips for body piercing safety will ensure your piercing does not result in a potentially dangerous infection.

1.) Only use a professional.
Piercing is something that should only be performed by a professional. It is a great deal more complicated than simply pushing a needle through a part of your body. Choose a reliable professional and seek a consultation before you make the decision to pierce. Home piercing jobs are most likely to lead to complications or infections.

2.) Ask questions.
Think of a interviewing a potential piercer the same as you would a doctor. Ask about their cleanliness and disease prevention policies. A great many diseases, including AIDS and Hepatitis can be spread through using dirty needles, so you should ensure your quality of health is not compromised. Do not feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask the necessary questions, and beware of any so-called professional who seems unwilling or unable to provide answers.

3.) Choose wisely.
Just as each body is different, everyone will not be able to successfully pierce their chosen spot. Once you seek a professional to pierce your body, ensure the piercing can be successful. For example, individuals with an “out-ie” belly button are unable to have a belly button piercing due to the orientation. Also, some individuals are unable to have their tongue correctly pierced due to the orientation of essential nerves and blood vessels.

4.) Think about the impact.
It’s a necessary fact of the matter that most employers frown upon visible body piercings. Regardless of your personal feeling on body piercings, know that you may be discriminated against or viewed in an unfavorable light by some individuals only due to your body piercings. Before you decide on any piercing, consider the impact on your image and your life.

5.) Choose quality body jewelry.
When it comes to choosing body jewelry, ensure you choose quality metals or high carbonate plastics that will work well in your body and not have any complications. Most body piercing jewelry is either gold with a high karat count or surgical quality stainless steel. Avoid cheap or flimsy body jewelry and focus on the quality instead of the design.

6.) Keep it clean.
After the body part has been pierced, it is essential to keep the hole clean. Your body sees a piercing as a wound, so cleanliness is the key. Remember, infections also do not discriminate between piercing holes and puncture wounds.

7.) Keep it dry.
Most piercers agree that the hole should be kept dry until healing has commenced. Keep your piercing hole free of salvia, sweat, salt water, or chlorine water, since all of these liquids can case infection.

8.) Avoid makeup.
If you are choosing a facial piercing, avoid polluting the hole with makeup. Most cosmetic products are made with oils that can invade the piercing hole and cause infection.

9.) Identify infection.
Keep an eye out for infections that can quickly and easily cause pain and discomfort. Not all infections work in the same manner, but warning signs include any type of discharge from the wound, fever, pain, discomfort, swelling, and redness around the hole.

10.) Seek medical attention.
If your piercing is exhibiting signs of infection or complication, immediately seek medical attention. Also, if the piercing is routinely painful and does not seem to heal, you should seek treatment by your primary health care provider.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Quality Shoes-What Traits to Look For

Ben Franklin probably didn't say "show me a grumpy man and I'll show you a man with bad shoes", but he should have. They say that shoes make the man, and they're right on that one in more ways than one. Good, quality shoes do more than make you look good - they make you feel good. A pair of high quality shoes makes your feet happy, and when your feet are happy, the rest of you is in a much better frame of mind to deal with your day. Poorly made and ill-fitting shoes are at the root of many a miserable day, and here's why.

Poorly made shoes hurt more than your feet.

Your feet are your skeleton's foundation. When there's a problem with the foundation of a building, the symptoms can show up in cracks in the walls or ceilings, floors that tilt in the wrong direction - even in electrical and plumbing problems. The same is true with your body. When your shoes don't support your feet properly, your legs and hips and spine and shoulders and neck try to compensate. Taking any of those out of alignment can cause discomfort, pain and other problems.

You're far more likely to notice the discomfort of things like bunions and blisters caused by rough seams, heel pain from poor support and generally aching feet from shoes that constrict them. Between the obvious pain caused by shoes that aren't made well and the more subtle effects of poorly fit and low quality shoes, you can end up in constant low-level pain. Who can think clearly and be cheerful when their feet and their body are in pain?

How high quality shoes can help

Well-made, quality shoes like those made by Naot support your feet in a number of different ways. Naot shoes are designed to keep your feet happy. The heel cup is designed to keep your heels steady, preventing your ankles from tilting when you walk. The shank that runs from the heel to the ball of your foot gently encourages your feet to distribute your weight evenly. A roomy toe box gives your toes the room they need to move and grip the ground while you walk - even if they're not actually in contact with the ground.

The materials that go into making up your shoes also make a big difference. Real leather breathes, wicking moisture away from your feet and letting air circulate around them. That means cooler feet, less chance of infection and a lot less stinky feet.

What to look for in quality shoes

Now that you know why quality shoes are important, let's talk about how to choose a good pair of shoes that will support your feet - and your body - properly.

-First, look at the shoe.

Style may be important to your eye, but there are other things to look for. Are the seams straight and evenly stitched? Is the leather smooth and well-finished? Does the shoe LOOK well-made?

-Feel the shoe.

Take the shoe in both hands and try to twist it. It should have a little give, but not bend out of shape easily.

Try to bend the shoe in half so that the heel and toe meet. Again, it should have a little give, but you shouldn't be able to fold it. The shank of the shoe should prevent the shoe from bending beyond the ball of the foot.

Push up against the bottom of the toe of the shoe. The front of the shoe should bend easily so that your toes and the balls of your feet can do their work.

-Poke around inside the shoe.

Go on, push your hand inside the shoe and feel around. You should feel no protruding seams or rough areas. The inner surface should be comfortably padded and smooth. The tongue of the shoe should have enough padding to let you lace shoes without cutting into the top of your foot.

-Check the materials.

The uppers and lining of the shoes should be leather. Leather breathes and molds to fit your feet comfortably. You may not be able to look under the shoe's hood, so to speak, but you can ask about other materials. A steel shank is the most supportive, and leather soles will wear far better than most manmade materials.

-A few last things:

Excellent quality shoes like Naot clogs and sandals can be pricey, but it's money well-spent. Still, like anything else, shoes do show wear. You'd hate to find a pair of shoes that fit perfectly and make you feel so good - only to have to replace them in just a few years. A good quality pair of shoes will last you up to ten years - if you care for them properly. Look for shoes that can be resoled and reheeled easily. Naot shoes are among the most versatile in this respect - you can replace the entire shoe bed when needed to keep them feeling fresh, new and comfortable for years.

10 Tips To Shopping For The Perfect Athletic Shoes

If you are active in exercising, hiking, sports or any other type of physical activity that requires you to be on your feet often, athletic shoes are a must. These shoes are designed for comfort and support, durability and promise to withstand plenty of use. With a few simple tips, you will be ready to shop for athletic shoes and will soon be stepping out with confidence.

Comfort. The first thing to consider with any footwear, including athletic shoes, is comfort. If a shoe isn’t comfortable, there is no use in wearing it. Blisters, balance problems and overall discomfort are the result of poorly fitting shoes.

Affordability. Just because you are looking for a new pair of athletic shoes, there’s no reason to empty the bank account in doing so. Quality athletic shoes can be comfortable and affordable at the same time. By shopping around and comparing prices, you will find the perfect athletic shoes at the perfect price.

Durability. A good pair of shoes must be durable and able to withstand various weather conditions, including rain. The worst thing to have in a rain storm is leaky shoes, which is why durability is part of a quality pair of athletic shoes.

Design. Everyone wants a shoe that looks good, which is why design is very important. In selecting a color scheme that suits your taste and lifestyle, you will not only feel good in your new athletic shoes, but you will look good too.

Versatility. One of the most important factors of shoe selection is versatility. Will the shoes work with your daily exercise regimen and look equally snazzy with your favorite pair of jeans? Athletic shoes are a terrific compliment to blue jeans for a classic look.

Support. Every good athletic shoe has support. It should cradle the foot and make it feel as if every step is one of leisure. Support is very important, especially if you are involved in a lot of walking or running. In either of these instances, your feet really take a pounding on the pavement. Athletic shoes that feature support are noticeable immediately during wear.

Know what you are buying. Always purchase from a reputable, authorized athletic shoe retailer. There are a lot of imitation products out there, including clothing and footwear. Buying from an authorized retailer will eliminate the chances of buying fake merchandise.

Try before you buy. If you are purchasing locally, go in and sample several pairs of athletic shoes. Try them on, take a few steps and move your foot around inside the shoe. In making sure that you have ease of movement and a proper fit, you will be much happier with your purchase.

Layaway. Certain brands of athletic shoes can be expensive, which is why layaway is often a popular option for anyone who doesn’t have quite enough cash to pay upfront. Even if it’s just to secure a purchase until payday, layaway programs offer customers with the opportunity to own the perfect pair of athletic shoes.

Make sure the shoe fits with your lifestyle. Avoid purchasing anything that doesn’t really fit your schedule. Athletic shoes are designed to work with you and your level of activity.

A Man's Guide to Buying Lingerie for his Lady

Most men know nothing about picking out lingerie, which is understandable because it can be confusing. What type of lingerie to buy, what size, what color - how is a man to know? Here is a little guide to help you when choosing lingerie for that special someone.

There are a few things to consider before you go out. What does she like? Remember that you will not be wearing this - she will and you should go out with the intent on getting something she will like. If she is not into lacey, tiny, see-through teddies, chances are if you buy that, she will not be in much of a mood to wear it and you may never see it. So keep what she likes in mind.

If you do not know, check out her nightgown/lingerie drawer before you leave. Check for material type (cotton, silk, etc.), colors, and most importantly, size. She may be flattered if she wears a large and you get her a small, but if she wears a small and you buy her a large, you may find yourself in trouble. Avoid anything that says "control" on the label. Those items are used to firm and flatten tummys and rears and she would probably not appreciate receiving them as a gift.

Another thing to remember is if the store offers to wrap the lingerie let them. Dainty lingerie will look better in their wrapping than if you wrap it in the paper left over from your cousin's birthday. Presentation is part of the package with lingerie. Also, if you are uncomfortable in the store, check out online stores that sell lingerie. You can always start at Victoria's Secret, but most major department stores like Macys and Nordstroms also sell lingerie. Final note - remember to keep your receipt just in case it is the wrong style, size, or color.

Now, what type of lingerie is available? Just about anything you can think of! Ask yourself what the occasion is. Is this to let her know you love her? If so, something crotchless or see-through probably will not send that message. But, if it is for Valentine's Day or your anniversary, something a little more risqué might be appreciated. Bras alone have many different styles including push up, plunge, gel filled, padded, under wire, seamless, backless, strapless, open cup, and unpadded.

If you are purchasing a bra and panty set, always check out what she has in her drawer beforehand and definitely make note of the size - of both the bra and panties. Most places sell at least one pair of panties that match each bra, but some will sell several so you can mix and match. It will help to know what type of panties she likes to wear too - thongs, briefs, or high cut bikini.

When it comes to sleepwear, it can be just as confusing. One type of sleepwear is babydoll pajamas. They usually have very thin straps, a plunging V neckline, and are very short with matching panties. You will find most of these made out of silk or satin, materials that always make a woman feel good about herself. But, if she feels her breasts are too big or too small, or thinks her stomach is too big, you might want to avoid babydoll pajamas.

There are slips and chemises. Similar to the babydoll pajamas, these are a little longer and a little better at concealing problem areas such as breasts, butt or stomach. They too are usually made of silk or satin.

Gowns are full-length versions of the babydoll. Many are see-through or lacey and can help put your woman in the mood. Babydolls, slips, chemises, and gowns may also come with a robe.

A pajama set might not sound too sexy, but if it is silky, and buttons up the front, it can make your woman feel very sexy, especially if she is a plus size (size 18 or larger). Boxer sets have become very popular lately. The tops are tight, with thin straps and usually a V neckline, although there are boxer sets with normal t-shirt tops.

If you are really looking for lingerie to spice up your love life, take a look at Frederick's of Hollywood (available online). They have been selling sexy lingerie for over 50 years. They have a wide variety of garter belts, bustiers, corsets, teddies (similar to the babydoll, but one piece), crotchless panties, and fishnet stockings - items that may not be available at many stores that sell lingerie.

What type of lingerie you should get your love depends a lot on her self-esteem. Many big woman love sexy little teddies, but some will shy away from them, for fear of exposing too much of themselves. Most stores sell lingerie in plus sizes, which are a little less revealing. If she is really athletic, a boxer set might be something she would like. Thin women will look good in anything, but especially teddies, corsets, and babydolls.

When shopping for lingerie, try to keep in mind what she likes. If you purchase something similar to the lingerie she already has and in colors you know she likes, it will probably make her happy. But, keep the receipt just in case!

Accessorize Your Wedding Attire with a Stunning Bridal Handbag

If there's one day when you want to look stunning, it's your wedding day. You also want to be practical on this busy day. You probably would like to carry a few needful things along so you'll have them on-hand as you prepare for the reception or as you drive away into the sunset with your beloved. Bridal handbags are both stunning and practical for this very purpose.

Bridal handbags, or wedding purses, come in all shapes and sizes with many dashing designs, and with just enough room to carry those small personal items such as touch-up powder, eye liner, lipstick, deodorant, a comb or brush, keys, handkerchiefs, or maybe even a little spare change! After the wedding, there are always photos, reception food and drink, and a time of fellowship with family and friends. A bridal handbag allows you to carry a few things along to touch up your hair and makeup as you make the transition from the wedding to the reception.

Types of Bridal Handbags

Bridal handbags are usually very small and easy to carry. They may be decorated with sequins, beads, crystals, lace, ribbons, miniature tassels, or precious stones. Wedding handbags are usually made of materials such as satin, silk, nylon, or polyester.

There are three basic styles of handbags for brides: clutch, fancy, and structured. Clutch bridal purses are typically made of silk or satin, have an inner lining, and do not have straps or handles. Fancy handbags are usually made with elegant designs embellished with precious stones, crystals, or beads. They also come with decorated handles made of metal or cloth with optional shoulder straps. Structured wedding handbags have a stable bottom and are usually made of satin, silk, nylon, or polyester. They also usually have handles and clasps made of metal.

Accentuate Your Wedding Dress

Bridal handbags are a great accessory for your wedding attire. Choose a bridal purse that matches or complements your dress, jewelry, tiara, and wedding shoes. The handbag should be made of the same or similar material as your dress and have similar patterns and designs. If your dress has lace and white pearls, find a wedding purse decorated with lace and white pearls (or beads that resemble pearls).

Choose a bridal handbag that fits your style and your figure. The handbag should be easy to handle and not too large. You don't want to attract too much attention to your wedding purse. It shouldn't stand out, but it should blend with your other attire. It should add a touch of elegance without dominating the reception photos.

Wedding Handbags as Bridesmaid Gifts

Wedding handbags can also be ordered to match the dresses of bridesmaids and given as gifts from the bride. Choose handbags that your bridesmaids can use for other occasions, not only at the wedding. Every woman and girl loves a new handbag, so these make excellent gifts!

If you're not sure where to shop for bridal handbags, you can find a variety of styles online along with other wedding accessories such as tiaras, ring cushions, jewelry, and more. Use these tips to find a lovely bridal handbag for your special day!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Abundant Perfume Choices

There are so many scent and fragrance choices today as there is a great battle to capture our attention by the manufacturers of perfumes. How do we choose one over its competitor? For that matter, with the huge selection that there is, just getting started is a great challenge!

Let's explore some of the basic categories of perfumes and fragrances.

* Florals are the "all around" choice. That doesn't mean, however, that using a cheap version will do. High quality ingredients count for a lot, particularly when the consumer is searching for a distinctive feminine fragrance.

* Fruity perfumes and fragrances are different from their floral cousins in that they are best for warm weather. Also, the lady who likes tradition, yet a difference from the classic floral will enjoy the spicy, fruity difference.

* Younger consumers are drifting towards the more modern oceanic scents. They are unusual and intense and give off a nautical impression. A great choice for warmer months due to their outdoor-ish nature.

* The oriental varieties have a strong spicy scent. A choice of this variety is usually very personal as they are usually reserved for special events

* A pleasant refreshing choice is brought out by the earthy types of perfumes. Older folks tend to prefer these as they are traditional and less bold.

* Finally, the "green" varieties are a lighter fragrance that goes well on less formal, casual occasions.

So what to choose? Are you the type that doesn't like change? If so, use what you've always used, unless it no longer gives you the pleasure you once got from it. However, if you are of an open mind, expand your horizons and try something different...either from a different category or and different perfume from the same, time tested category.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Five Pairs of Shoes That Every Woman Should Have

We know that everyone loves shoes, buys shoes and has many pairs of shoes in their closets. While you might not need all the shoes that you have in your closets, here are five pairs of shoes that every woman should have:

- Great Looking Business Shoes. You need to have a special pair of smart shoes for work. These should look great, and match well with your suit. They will be perfect for interviews, as well as those important presentations and business trips.

They would usually be black shoes with medium size heel, to make you look taller and in control, but still comfortable enough to wear all day.

- Great Looking Shoes to Wear With Jeans. Who wears jeans with sneakers anymore? As jeans are becoming cooler, and more embellished, you need something cuter then a basic sneaker to go with them.

We recommend cool high heel sandals in the summer, or great looking boots in the winter.

- Great Looking Sneakers. You still need to exercise and go to the gym. While you will not wear sneakers with your stylish jeans, you still need sneakers for exercising and walking outside. There are lots of different sneakers on the market now - pick the ones that fit you, and that fit your exercise routine.

- Cool Dressy Shoes. You have that gorgeous dress, and you need matching shoes to go with it. Get something fun and gorgeous to go with the dress. Splurge a little - here the right shoes will make all the difference.

- The Pink Shoes. You know, everyone has at least one pair of completely impractical, bright pink or bright red shoes. You found them at the store, they didn't really match any of your outfits, but you just had to have them.

Which ones of these types of shoes do you have in your closet?

Evening Wear Shopping Tips

Don’t let shopping for that special evening dress intimidate you! With a little help, you can start early and find the perfect dress for evening out. Here’s how:

Decide on the formality. Is it cocktail or evening attire? Cocktail and evening attire is dressier – think little black dress. Long dresses are reserved for formal black-tie affairs.

The most important feature of your new dress is it’s style and color. Not every dress works for all body types. Dress to flatter your figure. If you aren’t sure what is your best asset, ask a friend or salesperson.

Once you know the type of dress, now choose a style. Instead of going trendy, select a dress that reflects classic, timeless elegance. Here are some styles to choose from.

Halter Dresses are one of the sexiest formal looks around. Several version exist including a tie-behind-the-neck look. Straps vary in size, width and fabrics. A halter dress draws attention to the upper half of the body including the face, shoulders and bust line. This is great to draw unwanted attention away from the hips and legs. Skip the necklace and opt for earrings when wearing a halter dress.

Cocktail dresses are the most versatile for special occasions. Most opt for the little black dress which is the most popular look for a cocktail. Today, jewel-tones, bright and rich fabrics do well for a short evening dress. Most cocktail dresses can be easily accessorized with pearls, diamond, gold and silver. If you want to hide wide hips, opt for a dress that is strapless or has cap sleeves.

For simplicity, nothing beats a sheath dress. They are flattering with clean lines to keep the dress from overwhelming your figure. The sheath dress can be dressed up or down as the situation dictates.
The jacket dress provides more coverage without the fuss of a wrap. The matching dress and jacket is perfect for anniversaries and weddings.

Not every figure looks best in a one piece dress. For those hard-to-fit bodies, a dressy separate can do the trick. Choose one special piece and mix it with a solid piece for that special occasion.
Off the shoulder dresses instantly shows off lots of skin but not in areas that make you uncomfortable. Accentuate the look with a great necklace piece or brooch.

4 Crochet Tips To Remember

Dear Friend,

Thanks for visiting and finding my article. What follows is information that I have pulled together from many different sources. The secrets, tips, and techniques you read here are from my book "Crocheting Made Simple". I hope you find it both interesting and helpful.

It may sound silly, but crochet patterns have been finished for many years. Recently it is becoming a trend again in the fashion world. By learning about it, the individual will be proficient to come up with some grand designs to present to people.

Start With the Basics

In the first place when individuals begin something new, it is best to start with the fundamentals. This happens in nearly all things and crochet patterns is no different.

In addition, if the individual has done cross stitching in the past, it will be simple to comprehend how certain designs are done. If the person did not possess any familiarity in the past, then it is best to enroll in a class then after some interval, can make a move on to crochet patterns.

Crochet and the Fashion World

Most people would agree that the fashion world is an extremely good area to uncover more about crochet patterns. Inasmuch as this is dictated by several of the world's famous brands, wisdom from these professionals will keep the individual up to date on the current trends.

In fact, fashion shows generally feature the upcoming apparel a few months before it is launched. By watching, then studying the fabric once it hits the stores, the individual will be able to construct a comparable design that is also abreast with what is new and hot.

By the way should the individual not be able to see the fashion exhibit, and then the next location to learn of it is in reference materials such as books and videos that can be bought at the nearby specialty store. This should have everything including the materials to be used.

There are also several shows on TV and magazines that can be bought which feature some of the fundamental to the more innovative designs. The person has to merely understand the instructions noted and work on it.

One Color Basic

In the beginning the fundamentals should be done with only using one color. The individual should practice this in making a basic item such as a wash cloth. Should this be successful, then moving on to greater effects can start?

Next, a slipknot is one of the fundamentals in beginning crochet patterns. The individual does not need to use a needle and totally work it with the hands. While one end is in around the fingers, the ball of yarn can be thrown in the air.

Soon after beginning a few loops, this will end with the person forming a knot using both hands.

Switching Colors

One of the numerous challenges in crochet patterns is changing from one color to the next. This can be done by stopping with one color then slowly sliding a different color thread into the needle.

Without a doubt another fundamental method that the individual should learn of is mixing. This is done using 2 needles each with a different color of thread. By making these face one another and letting one of the needles work above the other, the print will become multi-colored.

Furthermore the purl stitch is another method used to construct crochet patterns. This is really comparable to mixing. The yarn is already around one needle. The individual will then use the other to work its way inside until both can be used to work together to produce a pattern.

On the other hand cross stitching is very challenging and will require a lot of effort. After exercising several of the essentials, the individual can advance on to form figures, shapes, lines and others to make it stand out.

4 Things to Remember

1. The individual has to bear in mind that the fashion trade goes by seasons. This means that the sole should work fast so that once it is finished; it can still be used in the suitable period.

2. Beginners should be able to sketch it on paper to analyze how a determined design should be finished. By using this as a guide, the person will be able to monitor the progression of the work.

3. Crochet patterns can be done on nearly anything. By working on various little household items then moving on to clothing, and accessories, the person's crochet pattern skills will be dramatically improved.

4. There are a lot of designs and not everything is in the book. Some of it can be from the person's creativity and after sketching it and action with needles that concept can be brought to existence.

In closing there are numerous ways to find out about the basics of crochet patterns. The person should just apply some time to read about it and observe how this is accomplished.

Choosing The Right Shoe For You

A Well Known Fact

There is no better feeling than when you are wearing a comfortable shoe. Comfortable shoes allow us to enjoy the day’s activities pain free. Wearing shoes that fit properly can also prevent potential health problems from occurring.

When To Buy

Most shoes can last an average of three to twelve months. As you begin to wear out a shoe, you begin to notice a difference in comfort. Worn out shoes can cause back pain, sore knee joints, or aching feet. The time to replace your shoes is when the cushion has broken down or the motion control has been lost.

Which Shoes To Buy?

Everyone’s foot is different. The best shoe for you is the one that gives you the proper fit, support, cushioning, and flexibility. Choose a well-cushioned stability shoe that compensates for any irregularities in your foot or your stride.

Some Common Foot Irregularities

High Arched Feet

A high arched foot does not roll inward very much at all. There is a highly curved arch along the inside of the foot. Also, the toes appear to be in a clawed position. Highly arched feet are very rigid and are unable to absorb shock when making contact with the ground. The reason for this is that the foot is not able to roll inward when the foot makes contact with the ground. This lack of pronation can cause heel, knee, shin, and back problems. Inserting special pads in the shoes, which compensate for this condition, treats highly arched feet. The pads allow the feet to absorb shock more easily. People with high arched feet, should try to stay away from stability or motion control shoes, which reduce foot mobility.

Flat Feet

The term “Flat Feet” refers to people who have a low arch, or no arch at all. Sometimes they are said to have "fallen arches". Most people's feet have a space on the inner side when the bottom of the foot comes in contact with the ground. This is called the arch. The height of the arch varies in size from one person to another. Flat Feet are generally a hereditary condition. The best shoe for this condition would be a motion control or stability shoe with a firm midsole.

Over or Under Pronation.

Over pronation is the excessive inward rolling motion of the foot. This inward motion is considered unhealthy because it can cause a great deal of strain on the back, ankles, knees, and lower legs. Over pronation can cause shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and IT band syndrome. Under pronation occurs when the outside of the foot takes the brunt of the shock when coming in contact with the ground. This condition can cause problems with the ligaments in your feet and ankles. Stability shoes feature either a dual density midsole or a roll bar to help combat pronation problems.

Some Helpful Shoe Buying Tips

· Shop late in the day. Feet tend to swell as the day goes on. Shoes purchased in the morning will feel tight during by afternoon.

· Shop for shoes with your health and comfort in mind. Your foot size changes every year. Always measure your foot first. This should give you a general range when considering different styles of shoes. Choose shoes that are shaped like your foot.

· Check to see how the sole feels on the bottom of your foot. It should have a soft and supportive cushion. People with high arches generally need more support.

· Stand up and take a quick walk to get a feel for the shoe. Your feet shouldn't slide around inside and there should be little bit of room beyond the largest toe. But no more than 1/2 inch.

Remember: You should never have to "break in" a tight shoe.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

5 Top Tips for Buying Native American Indian Bracelets

Nothing allows you to express your personality, feel closer to the spirit of traditional American culture, and add something truly unique and personal to your life like wearing an authentic Native American bracelet on your wrist. But how do you safely choose a real, attractive piece that also says the right things about you?

The wonderful craftsmanship, striking appeal, and fun originality of Native American Indian bracelets make them the top choice for the person who wants to wear something a little different than everyone else and own a unique piece of jewelry. However, the range of styles, the unknown authenticity, and the difficulty of finding the right store can make the choice difficult.

Fortunately, the selection of your Native American bracelet doesn't have to be difficult at all. Once you know a few easy points to keep in mind, you can relax and shop to your heart's content, without that fear of making the wrong choice or ending up with a bracelet that isn't right for you.

1. Turquoise bracelets come in many varieties.
Everyone has a different mental image spring up when they hear "turquoise bracelets." You may picture large stones, closely spaced and reaching orderly around the wrist. Or you may think of a circular, mandala-like arrangement of smaller blue-green stones on a centerpiece on the top of the wrist, with the band wrapping around underneath.

In fact, the use of turquoise in Native American bracelets is varied, often used in conjunction with other, multi-colored stones or clever use of silver and other metals. Often, the best piece will include one or two small turquoise pieces to accentuate other colors and textures. Then again, some pieces employ turquoise stones as their main feature, and do so with the utmost craft and beauty.

It is up to you which suits you, but you can shop secure in the knowledge that Native American turquoise retains its beauty even as other trends come and go.

2. Simplicity is beautiful.
It is entirely possible that the piece that speaks to you the best is very simple in design. Perhaps it is a silver band with a simple twisted pattern, or a restrained series of ridges. Maybe your look and personality are accented best by a bracelet with a single, large stone of turquoise or other mineral - just a splash of color to catch the eye. Complicated designs and details may look good in the shop display case, but aren't necessarily the type of Native American bracelet that suit your taste.

3. Intricacy is beautiful.
On the other hand, the intriguingly intricate designs of an elaborately-crafted bracelet can be the conversation piece that sparks confidence, inspiration, and even admiring comments from others! The obvious genius that has gone into a bracelet with clever juxtapositions of its carvings, stamps, stones and/or silverwork can be just the thing that heightens your daily experience and communicates to others just what you want to say.

4. Only shop at places that offer buyer protection.
The most comfortable, free way to shop is when you know that your purchase is backed by a reputable company. In this internet age, the best place to buy Native American bracelets is online, through websites that offer protection to the buyer.

For example, the web's premier auction house, eBay, always has hundreds of listings featuring one-of-a-kind Native American bracelets and other jewelry. eBay features an extensive system to ensure buyers are happy; you can contact the seller before bidding, check comments from the seller's previous customers, send payment safely with your credit card through PayPal, keep your private information hidden, and even appeal to eBay when an item is not as described.

Furthermore, eBay listings feature one or more pictures of the item, as well as its dimensions and, often, the piece's history. In short, you should stick to places like eBay that bring together sellers and buyers with several layers of protection for you. The biggest sites became big thanks to buyer satisfaction, which they take very seriously.

5. Nobody knows what you need like you do!
Sellers will try their best to use flowery language and convincing descriptions to get your business. However, only YOU know what is right for you. And as long as you are happy about the financial protection you as a shopper are receiving, you can tune all of that out and just get the Native American bracelet that speaks to you the loudest. YOU know which one that is... it's just a matter of looking until you find it! Look at websites like for the widest selection of bracelets and sellers. Choice is always good!

Whether buying a lovely Native American bracelet for yourself, or as a gift for a friend or family member, it's important to remember that there are very easy ways to ensure that you are getting the best value for your money. You want to be sure the bracelet is authentic, the seller is reputable, and the design suits the person it will be adorning. Use the tips in this article and you are virtually assured of being happy with your beautiful, exclusive bracelet!

Are You Stuck In A Fashion Statment

Being consistent with a favorable fashion, this might be the moment to do a closer reality check and find out if you are stuck in your fashion or can you still dig out of the old and into the new.

Try this simple fashion screening to see if you match one or more of the scenarios.

Do persons that are flustered seem to over dress more than others? Yes. Persons that are flustered seem to wear the high top necked long sleeve tops, caps or stiffly formal and proper dresses. Persons like this tend to hide their repression though their typical clothing.

Are confident plain dressers really conceited? Yes. Persons that are conceited dress less as they feel that dressing up is not a flattery to them and their assertive personality can over come the stylish fashion they choose.

Are overly adorn friends or co workers having more opportunities in the work field? No overly adorn friends will dress up anywhere they go as they really do not have a place to wear the stylish fashions they choose. When you occasionally see a friend or coworker in the store , they might be just wearing it for a statement that they have really no place to go.

"I never have an outfit to fit the occasion or a thing to wear" persons are they really discontent? Yes and how many of us have said that in a life time we cannot go because we have nothing to wear. Go in the closet and look at the latest fashions and clothing we have, however, still our satisfaction for the style we want is not hanging in the closet.

Do bold statement people brad about the price of their flattering clothes, right? No. Persons that need a boost in confidence will not allow to brag about the bargains, but look for the social fashions status for exaggerated importance on the prices and the stylish fashion statement.

Are persons who over dress or bundle up usually miserable? Yes. Shivering as if you are cold frequently, no matter what the temperature conditions are. Over dressers are persons that will seeking attention for closeness. A person that dresses and wraps up like you would wrap a baby is usually lonely and seeking out attention.

As children dress different and have a different fashions statement, when they get older will the stylish fashion statement stay with them? No. Teen fashions are a variety of spontaneous expression. Teen years will bring out variety, activity and new phases. However in the later years the fashions will bring standard and authority.

Are simple quantity or short dressers rebellious? Yes. Skimpy dressers are the exact opposite of over dressers. This classes of people will wear little to nothing to help with the over protection they feel with in themselves. The less they wear the easier to get out of the clothing when clearly feeling over protected.

Persons who are tidy clothes dressers, are they superior in the trendy fashion statement ? No. This could be an impression they make with dressing to have a deeper impression. Tidy clothes dressers will straighten ties, swipe lint off your jacket to draw attention to themselves.

Are you a casual dresser? If you have agreed yes to this question you are comfortable with anything you wear. Your shopping for trendy fashion clothing will not make a bold statement Your casual dressing will tell others you are comfortable with your styles and love the casual fashion. A casual dresser will be comfortable in any given situation and have kind hearts.

Now that you have looked over the different situations for fashion buying and wearing, where do you fit in here.

Are you a bold person, casual or do you lack courage and determination to get out of the old and into a new fashion?

A Brand Name Bra Will Save You Money As Well As Giving You Comfort, Style And Support!

With Bras being a piece of clothing that are in demand for everyday use, its no wonder that there are numerous brand names available. Much like any other garment, bras are not the same everywhere.

Go for quality. You won't regret it.

Its pretty easy to get a cheap, poorly made bra, just like its easy to get any other cheap, poorly made product. If you want something that will not only provide you with the comfort, support and beauty your body needs, but will also help in reducing the number of your bra shopping trips, then its time to go in for a well made, high quality bra.

This may sound like an unfamiliar cliche but bras dont fall off trees. You have to spend your precious money, not to mention time, hunting for bras. With this sort of an investment, you'll want to buy something that lasts long.

Check out these popular bra brands...
There are many popular brand names in the market, each with their own designs, styles and variations. Lets take a look at some of the popular brands in the bra market.

As one of the most recognized names in womens lingerie, apparel and personal care products, Victorias Secret is big on bras. Their bra collections are often trend setters and are world famous.

Bali are another company that are known for their functional yet beautiful bras. Founded by Sara Stein in 1927.

The Wonderbra manufactured by the Sara Lee Corporation, is a push-up bra that was a sensation during its time. It was a massive success and drew huge amounts of attention. It was designed to make the bust look larger, thus enhancing a womans cleavage.

Other famous brand names are Maidenform Calvin Klein, Lejaby Warners, La Senza Freya Hanro Triumph 6ixty 8ight Wacoal Elle Mcpherson Intimates Elita and Liyette.

Affordable Paintings: Art Prints Buying Guide

The fastest way to bring beauty and style to a room is to put up prints of beautiful paintings. Here's what you should consider:

Painting Prints Price Range:

Expect to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of $50-$500 for an unframed print--anything less than $50 is likely a poster. You should expect to pay a similar amount to have the print framed--note that many prints are designed to be exhibited without frames.

Before art prints were sold online, the only way to get them was through galleries or museum shops, which had to charge a large markup. Nowadays, art prints rarely cost more than a few hundred dollars, and it is possible to find good-quality prints for under $100. Still, those lower prices generally come on prints that have been put on sale. Expect to pay more for perennial favorites like Van Gogh's “Starry Night”.


There is at least one print of every painting or photograph on display in a museum anywhere. Thanks to the internet, you can find the right art print among the tens of thousands in existence and have it sent to you, regardless of where the original is located. Since websites will let you browse thumbnail images of the artwork, it's easy to find a particular piece even if all you know about it is the name of the artist or even just the time period in which it was created.

Painting Print Media

Prints are available in a variety of print stocks.

Prints vs. Original Paintings

If all you're interested in is a picture to decorate your wall, rather than in collecting, prints are a better value than original paintings. Here's why:

* Expense. Creating an original work of art generally takes weeks. If you had to employ someone for several weeks or several months, how much do you think it would cost at even a modest salary? That's why original artwork generally costs at least thousands of dollars. In order to have a real chance of your work of art having investment value, you need to buy the work of an artist who is moving up in the art market.

* Questionable investment value. Original artwork only has investment value if the price goes up eventually. Very often, the price does not. In short, if you're interested in investing, buy stocks--it's a safer bet. Only buy art because *you* value it.

* Knowledge. You need to be very knowledgeable about what you are doing. Make no mistake: there's plenty of fraud in this business. There is also plenty of wishful thinking on the part of art dealers when it comes to a work's long-term market prospects.

Ready to make your home more beautiful with prints of great paintings? You're already in the right place: the internet has numerous websites offering an unbelievable array of art prints. Start looking now.

An Introduction To Free Online Games

The world of online games is vast world, with games to suit nearly every taste. Everyone from a scholar to a wannabe fighter pilot can find a game that suits their tastes. In this article, I'll give super short reviews of a few free online games.

Jezzball is available on several websites in Java. In Jezzball, you have a square box with balls bouncing around in it. You must corner the balls without them hitting and breaking your partially formed walls. It is a very simple game, but it can be addicting.

Bomber Bob
This is a very simple war game. You are a fighter aitplane, and you must shoot down scores of enemy planes before they sink your ship, and without being shot down yourself. This game is a flash game.

This is Yahoo's free version of Scrabble. It is scored slightly differently, but overall, it is nearly identical. Literati is Java based and requires a free Yahoo ID.

Diesel and Death
This is another flash game. This one is a dirt bike racing game. Very simple, but entertaining. You race against a computer controlled bike.

Helicopter Game
In this simple yet very challenging game, you must use one button on your mouse to navigate your helicopter through the cave without crashing it. The cave is complete with obstacles, drops and climbs. Wow. This game could be very addictive! Game is built with flash.

Curve Ball
This is an adapted ping pong ball game. You are in a square tunnel with a computer controlled opponent at the other end. The key is to get the ball to bounce or curve, and get past your opponent.

Overkill Apache
Similar to Bomber Bob, but this time you're flying an Apache helicopter over the desert. Your enemies come from all directions, too! Some good simple fun, though the game needs more controls.

Antiques Concepts, Online And Off

Are you a part of the latest antiques craze? Compared to ten years ago, we are constantly bombarded with antique radio shows, antique television show that have become increasingly popular have pitched the idea of dealing with antiques to large international crowds, and the simple fact remains, the antique world is giving love to those who love the antiques… not to the bargain hunters.

Do you feel excited when you see an old toy, dating back 200 years ago and in mint condition, do you feel that owning something like that will give you something special, that the first person to ever hold this in his hands is long gone, but that there is a link between generations and across time because you are now enjoying the same thing?.

I know this feeling, and even though I did sell and still do sell some of my antiques, I hold on to many others, it is no secret that most antique lovers have to sell a few things here and there, but every once in a while something gets to you, sometimes even in a mystical way, its something you know you want to hold on to.

A very popular niche in antiques is old toys, the toys first produced when mass production just started, or even hand crafted toys that date way back. When shopping for antique toys, it can be extremely helpful to have a price guide in hand.

Many unscrupulous sellers are hoping to gain profit due to a buyer’s lack of knowledge. Watching some of the antique shows can help educate you as a buyer. For a few dollars, you can purchase an antique toy pricing guide and have a firm understanding of how to find a bargain. If you happen to have collected many of your childhood toys and are ready to sell them, there can be a great deal of money to be made. Do some research regarding antique toy and their prices and some items may make you a mint!

An extremely popular collection of antique toys includes a wooding rocking horse. Wooden rocking horses are widely available at online antique stores and often cost well over $1,000 if they are in good condition. Some wear is expected, but the rocking horse must work and contain the original pieces.

Surprisingly, antique-toys sought after by collectors typically include marbles. One onionskin marble on EBay is currently priced at $500 and steadily climbing. While marbles may be at the bottom of your antique toys list, they can sell for huge amounts of money.

If antiques is your passion and you want to learn more the internet is a great resource of information, in fact, the antiques market has been growing in a phenomenal rate since the internet started catching on, people can trade and present antiques on Ebay and other auction sites. There is always a place for more people and more items on this market, and you may find out that its not that difficult to start doing things in the antiques market soon enough.